Title: Holiday Short - International Coffee Day
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. No infringement intended and no profit will be made from their use.
Spoilers: Slight spoiler for the Season 4 Chameleon
Author’s Note: Surprise - I wrote a new short! As I’ve said before, this
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Comments 39
Always good to visit this place where Alex and Liv live like we always knew they could and should. Never mind what turns up on your TV.
Thanks for the note! :-)
always a pleasure to have you return to this sandbox - hope the fall has been treating you fine so far and that the summer was spectacular!
*And every story that you've previously written, too!
(I'm new to fan fiction, but have read 10 or so of your stories, and have been consistently impressed.)
Thank you for a wonderful little read on my Sunday morning, brightened it right up!
Sunny, Sunny, I scarcely know where to begin......
You added a fresh, new twist...excellent little vignettes to get to your destination.
As always, you are so good at saying so much with so few words.
GGF has taught you the technique of reduction.
The end was so rapid-fire..I couldn't keep up.
A Bananigan toast to boiling, beguiling, and Buck's cup fondling.
I guess you save the mangos for Zanyland and go all elegant for your serious stuff.
Your comments are very much appreciated - as always. Cheers! :-)
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