Well i finished my first weekend of work. I work friday, saturday and sunday from 6 - 6:30, its one long ass day trust me. Feels good to be earning money, cant wait to be spending it.
My fingers are ruined and ive had to stop drinking cause i have to get up at 5 on weekends :|
So it seems my father is canceling AOL don't know if i'll be having the internet anymore :'(. Decided to never look after my brother and sister when they come to visit now, my old man knows how much time i spend online!
Slight upside good looking job vacancy has come my way so might be able to keep the internet, doubt it though.
Gave blood for the second time today, I now have a keyring with my blood type on it :D. Chris wasn't alloud to give blood due to the ass pounding he received last week
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