Run Felicia! Run, run run! Get that soccer ball, ohh it´s high in the air, you can get it, oh almost there, run a little faster. Call it, "I got it, I got-" SMACK! POW! BANG
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Today it is beautiful and sunny. Although I sent my best friend back to the states I have been very happy this afternoon. I was just strolling around the ol' CPH and my iPod played a few key songs that made me look around and go, "HEY! I love this place. HEY! I have two more months here, I better enjoy them while I can!" So that's that. I have
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Cough, Cough, COUGH. Being sick is not fun. Being sick when you're traveling is double not fun. Soup is good though. I best be getting better fast though, or else. That's right, or else.