
Sep 21, 2005 17:37

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1) If your_rudie commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? ...I can't count that high.
2) What animal should pvillemexican be combined with? coyote
3) What would pvillemexican think of your_rudie? ...is that a question?
4) Would you make out with sk8thespa? He'd shoot me if I tried.
5) What languages does sk8thespa speak? English, and probably spanish
6) Is aubs2808 athletic? Yeah, she plays on the vollyball team
7) One quality you find attractive in clairethepoet? she stands up for what she feels is right
8) What is npy2005's favorite food? I'd have to guess gummy bears
9) How tall is foresakenonly1? um...5'9"?
10) Would sk8thespa go out with clairethepoet? I don't think so
11) Could you see your_rudie and chaz2005 together? yes, with lots of glue and duct tape
12) Would you ever date rummachen? I don't think so
13) What animal does npy2005 remind you of? a box turtle (that just popped into my head, so I'm going with it)
14) Is chaz2005 an emo? that would be hilarious, but he's not.
15) Does clairethepoet travel a lot? I guess
16) What mental disorder does aubs2808 remind you of? Alzheimers
17) Is sk8thespa dead sexy? I bet to someone, he is.
18) How would foresakenonly1 conquer the world? She'd use subliminal messages in songs.
19) What comic book character would clairethepoet be? wonderwoman, haven't you heard? Or was it superwoman or something?
20) What is your_rudie's favorite band/artist? Guns and Roses?
21) What is 13_dark's biggest flaw? He doesn't have hobbit feet
22) How long would 13_dark dating chaz2005 last? mind if I use negative numbers?
23) If your_rudie was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Dr. Pricklestinkystein
24) Do you think 13_dark is hot? potato
25) Are sk8thespa and your_rudie going steady? no
26) Is jew_42 popular? to me, he is, I guess. I admire him.
27) If npy2005 were hanging off a cliff, what would lds_demothenes do? Freeze up
28) Where would lds_demothenes most like to visit? ...dunno
29) If npy2005 and clairethepoet were spliced together, what would be its name? Orlando
30) What would clairethepoet give 13_dark for his/her birthday? A will to fill out?
31) Has pvillemexican been to your house/dorm? no
32) What would you do if you found out npy2005 has a crush on you? I'd probably forget that he did the next day.
33) Where was lds_demothenes born? Austin? I don't know I don't stalk my friends. <.< >.>
34) Is npy2005 a high school student? Nope, not anymore
35) What is clairethepoet's favorite color? Purple?
36) Does rummachen know aubs2808? Yup
37) Have you flirted with 13_dark? jokingly. Hey, I thought it was funny.
38) What would you do if foresakenonly1 died? I don't set up what I expect myself to do in those situations.
39) Are your_rudie and jew_42 going out? no
40) What video game does pvillemexican remind you of? Splinter cell
41) What rank would rummachen have in a giant robot army? 3rd in command...I'd be the 1st
42) What flavor of jello would clairethepoet be? coconut
43) Is foresakenonly1 single? yup
44) Does your_rudie do drugs? yes...I mean no
45) Is lds_demothenes a nerd? I don't think so
46) Where did you first meet chaz2005? School
47) Thoughts on jew_42? Ahhh, I can't get all my thoughts in order so that I can give them words and write them down, but he's awesome
48) What is pvillemexican allergic to? ...I don't know. :(
49) Does lds_demothenes drink? possibly
50) Is 13_dark 1337? YES!!! How'd you know? That's awesome... Woah. O,O
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