I dont know what to say everything is going quite swell minus a few mishaps here and there i love my friends and im actually starting to like bapst aloalotalot iguess i just needed to get used to it :) welll i have homework and stuff ciao!
well its my birthday im offically 15 as of 9:08 this morning losts of people said happy birthday to me today which made me feel happy :) except one person who didn't :( ehhh but i dont caree.. sheila bought me a balloon its incredible lol and yeah
i only went to first period today which was study hall then i left and no one knew i was gone till after school when they couldnt find me ehh i suckk and i have like no classes with most of my friends $%#%
&& so i made a new livejournal because im so bored and i have nthing to do nad its not friends only because i dont know many with livejournals. and rachel wouldnt make one with me alright maybe this is dumb already but today i went to friendlys with the team and it was fun i got a blanket and a teddy bear for my last gift. pretty neato