Title: Epitaph
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Yesung/Ryeowook
Genre: Romance, Humor, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine, just the fic^^
Summary: Sungmin pretends from being Kyuhyun's fiancee, to his his sister, then back from being his fiancee...then his wife?
Epitaph 17 )
Comments 15
Wookie's drive! maybe it's dangerous but fun??
Minnie is drunk! sungmin lol --> "I haven't seen his penis yet." couldn't believe he'll say that!
xD KyuMin! *curious but excited*
So excited for the next chapter!!
I wonder why Hankyung's uncle wants to meet Sungson too. It's a regular thing when business partners meet each other for business but to bring their spouses too (okay, in this case, fiancée)? He must have some hidden agenda or something. Or he just want to see how Kyuhyun treat people that are close to him?
Ryeowook driving makes me think of Leeteuk's driving. Cra~~~~zy, I tell you.
Oooo, I see Kyuhyun likes what he sees....
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