Bad Dreams and Life

Nov 20, 2011 10:29

"I had a bad dream"
"Don't be afraid, bad dreams are only dreams"
- Shogun AssassinI have bad dreams from time to time--which I suppose makes me just like everyone else on the planet (aside from being somewhat cooler and more brilliant). Also, from time to time, those dreams creep over into the waking world. Which, again, I don't think makes me ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

dusty_chenille November 20 2011, 21:56:33 UTC
You're always naked in MY dreams, Dennis.

Actually, I have some recurring dreams that freak me the hell out too. One is the post-apocalyptic world dream where I am trying to survive and it's difficult and I wake up from those hell of grateful to have been only dreaming. Those are my worst ones.

Then I have the one where a big tidal wave, usually of dirty water, comes up and washes away everyone I love 9who apparently were all on a beach together).

I used to have chasing ones, but I got to a pont where I would turn around and kill (sometimes quite brutally) whoever was chasing me. Those concern me, because wtf. In my subconcious I harbor a desire to kill people - but it's always bad people who would have otherwise killed me so I think it must be good. Healthy, maybe? Maybe it translates to a confrontation of issues that need confronting?


superhappytime November 21 2011, 03:11:59 UTC
I don't think I've ever dreamed of the end times. Maybe because I'm going to be Left Behind.

My worst dream ever was like 6 or 7 years ago and it involved someone getting, not anyone I knew or anything...just witnessing someone I knew killing a person...I just remember because it seriously disturbed me to the point that I was telling friends the next day at work to explain why I was so tired.


dusty_chenille November 21 2011, 14:36:20 UTC
Luckily I have not had the killing dreams in a very long time. They came during a pivotal time for me when I needed to leave a pretty bad situation behind. it's still weird though, how the attached emotions and imagery and whatever can be gruesome and disturbing. The brain works in mysterious ways.


chandrielle November 21 2011, 02:56:09 UTC
Teeth dreams are awful. That feeling of all them them jumbling around in my mouth like marbles is extremely creepy and hard to shake off when I wake up. In my school dreams I am on campus on the first day of classes but I don't have my schedule or a map. I always dream about flying in conjunction with being chased. It's my means of escape. The weird part is that I always fly like Raccoon Mario in Super Mario Brothers 3.

Sorry you had a crappy night. You need my "my subconscious can go fuck itself" tag. Also, the "old people like to talk about sleep" tag. ;)


superhappytime November 21 2011, 03:09:12 UTC
So you have a tail? Or just like you're flying without a plane?

I think my teeth dreams always start with feeling like they're lose...and then they fall out...same with hair's like a horror movie and I'm in the shower with clumps falling out.

I love to talk about sleep. I might be old.


chandrielle November 21 2011, 03:27:49 UTC
No plane. Just me and the open air. I don't think I have a tail. It's more of a jump in elevation every couple of seconds, like some imaginary force is pushing the A button. Occasionally the Raccoon Mario flying sound occurs. I played way too many video games as a child.

I don't want your hair to fall out. You have great hair. :(

I mentioned the sleep talk to someone the other day and asked him as a joke how he was sleeping. We actually got into a discussion about sleep before I realized what had just happened. I changed the subject and talked to him about how the money I'm saving from changing my insurance policies is going into my 401K.


superhappytime November 21 2011, 16:37:06 UTC
I think you took that conversation in the wrong direction. After sleep problems you definitely should have gone with "sometimes my hip hurts for no reason." And, for the guy, Flomax.

I DO have great hair.


shrixer78 November 21 2011, 16:20:58 UTC
Too funny...those are my two repetitive dreams. I have the tooth one like once every couple years and the school one a bit more often. HATE THEM BOTH!!!


superhappytime November 21 2011, 16:32:09 UTC
OMG, we're so similar. Except you are having a baby and I am not. So there's that.


shrixer78 November 21 2011, 16:34:59 UTC
I would be very concerned with you if you were having a baby...though you could prob make a ton of money somehow ;)


superhappytime November 21 2011, 16:38:13 UTC
Yeah, I don't think you'd be concerned as much as you'd be amazed by my miracle.

The thing to be concerned about with is how it would get out....


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