I know, I know. Why get something so tiny with not as much storage space? Well, I'm impatient and if I REALLY wanted a larger Ipod, Mike has one. Besides, it was all they had on base and I could layaway and bring it home.
Tennis balls. I played tennis today, the first time in probably fifteen years. Lets just say I forgot a little bit. That is really an understatement but oh well. Cut me some slack. I still had a good time.
I made it to Italy. I've been here almost a week. In that week I've unpacked, cleaned, and cooked. Toured the bases(yes, plural. they are divided in sections)
We have a cat. Observe the picture. She is a little bitch right now, but hopefully in time...not so much.
This week I got a call from the base, my new passport is back in. Next week I'll go and apply for the visa, and hopefully get out of here
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Get the myspace!!! Sadly, everyone (but little Miss Keri) are on this damn thing. I don't have the same obsession I used to, but it still is a part of my daily routine.
How is Hattiesburg? I swear I am gonna have to get up there soon...I haven't seen you in years!