Title: To Please The Monster Inside [Final Chapter]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Characters owned by Stephenie Meyer.
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
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Comments 14
I figured three werewolves versus one vampire - James was outnumbered. In the books, they managed to take down Lawrence, so I'm sure three of them would manage James.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
Well done!
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Though I am sad that James is dead I can see that it had to happen for this to end the way it did.
You have just brightened up my rather shit morning :D
I like the way that though it's ended , It's not over , If that makes sense. Though the writting is finished the story will still go on.
Thank you for keeping me entertained for so long
Thank you so much for sticking with this story and for leaving much appreciated feedback!
Really I want to see Jasper suffer >:) And Carlisle to comfort him afterwards of course lol. Best pairing in the series
I should probably say that I'm not a Twilight fan, but one of my friends who is one forced me to watch the movie. So naturally I paired Carlisle and Jasper together because their the cutest lol. And the best characters imo, I think one of the reasons I never got into Twilight was because it's so straight. And being a big slash fan that a big no-no for me. But it was actually my friend who sent me the link to your fanfic and to tell you the truth I wasn't even going to read it. I saw it had 35 chapters and thought 'no way in hell am I going to read something so long on a series I don't even like!' but then I read the first chapter and got hooked. So I'd definitely read anymore Twilight fanfiction from you, just as long as it's got Jasper in it lol. You're a good writer, if you had written the actual Twilight books I'd be a rabid fan by now.
I think what I'm trying to say is that you've slightly converted me. But only because of your fanfic, I hope the next one is much more morbid :)
I do agree, Carlisle and Jasper are the two most interesting characters in the series - they have the most depth and the most room for development. And I found Jasper was very fun to write, especially with the consideration that he is an empath.
Though I must admit Jacob is actually my favorite character out of them all. And obviously I can't stand Bella - hence, she didn't make an appearance in my fic.
Just out of curiosity, who was the friend that linked you to my story?
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