This is the fifth one, everyone! ^^ You can find the original article
here under the keyword error translation (that was what I typed in ^^).
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Title: Lexical Errors in Second Language Scientific Writing: Some conceptual implications
Writer(s): María Luisa Carrió-Pastor & Eva María Mestre-Mestre (Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)
Instruments: Thirty scientific papers written by Spanish researchers belonging to Universidad Politécnica de Valencia analyzed using the software Wordsmith Tools 5.0
A new thing that I learn from this article that picked my interest is the term of conceptual error. If from the previous articles I found out about interlingual error, which is influenced by the interference of learners’ native language, and intralingual error, which is caused by failures in learning the target language. In this article, I found out about some errors caused by learners’ failure in interpreting the target language’s conception which led them to wrong usage of words or expressions. It even interests me more when I know that those abovementioned errors were made by some scientists whose research paper was intended to be published in international journals. I assume that they are some people already mastered in English, therefore it really picks my interest up since I really interested in such problem in English as a lingua franca.
From what I have understood, the core problem of conceptual error may be caused by learners’ lacks of understanding in comprehending the culture of target language. It is due to the explanation provided in this article that when someone experiences conceptual errors, he uses the incorrect words which has similar (near) meaning with the one supposed to be used to express some expression. For example the use of the word ‘drink’ and ‘beverage’. In Bahasa, and probably some other languages, both have the same literal translation: minuman. However, they are not the same in English. Drink refers to alcoholic beverages while beverage refers to the non-alcoholic ones.
That is why, teachers, as the facilitators of students’ learning activity, must be able to guide students to at least use the correct expressions, since understanding concept is not an easy task. Many people may not know of what is concept itself, or what is the concept of English language. Therefore, assisting students to use language appropriately is the teacher’s obligatory task as a way of teaching them the concept of a language.