I received a very lovely bunch of flowers this afternoon. The card attached read: A flowery cure-all for you. -Brian. How sweet. =) They're sitting on my bedside table right now. They definitely brighten the room
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GREAT party last night. I had a bit too much fun. I was so very hungover this morning that I almost didn't make it to the humane society for my volunteering. And the smell of cat pee when you're hungover...mmmm...yummy
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So I was cabbing around today after volunteering and who should I see walking downtown? Shannyn Sossamon. I yanked my head around to yell out the window at her
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The company's going to get a nasty phone call tomorrow. Ok, maybe not really nasty. I'm not one for confrontations. Maybe just...a slightly miffed phone call. Or possibly an e-mail.
well...i have little to no idea what to write here for an introduction. most of you won't know me i guess. i am just some slightly off girl that sometimes plays myself, some people call me an actress, but i'm not one of them.