I've spent at least 6 hours just sanding all the globs of plaster off my kitchen walls. Then I rubbed down the paintwork and new woodwork. Then I washed it all with sugar soap - without wearing gloves. Then I filled all the cracks (many) in the new plasterwork and went round the joints with flexible filler
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Comments 3
Well, it saves spending money on a facial exfoliating scrub!
I am really looking forward to tomorrow! I hope it doesn't rain, not after I spent an hour constructing our new barbecue!
I don't know about clients...you don't need one, though. As for Uruguay, it might be something to do with clusters...LJ is divided up into loads of them so as not to overload any one server. Weird things can happen when they're doing maintenance on them, but it always works out.
I don't use a client, but lots of people do - apparently you can do all sorts of fancy things when writing comments. I'm not that computer savvy, so I just stick to the basic Live Journal format. Seems to work okay for me.
It took me a while to work out what to do when posting, but if you have any problems, just ask! I'm still asking. *grin* Plus, if you run the cursor along the top where it says Journal Manage Search Help About - when it comes to "Help" click the FAQ button - there's lots of stuff in there to help you.
One of the best things I did when I started out in Live Journal was to visit other people's journals. I did that by clicking onto people's "friends" names in the user information. Plus clicking onto the "interests" as well. You may not have much time for that, though. Have a good time anyway. :)
I'm just checking in quickly from the in-laws' house... I'll have time for a proper response later, perhaps in e-mail form. Do you have LJ set to email these comments to you? (and now, I hope I'm not just adding to the confusion. hah)
We would love to have you and Lucy for a visit, Sue! (and I'd love to babble on a bit more about it, but I'm being moved along here rather quickly. hah! Talk to you later!)
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