CHICAGO.It's all I can think about lately. Cannot wait! Back at school after a nice 2 week break. Time to crack down for the rest of the semester. Not to much to say really, just havent written in a while. Hope everyone is doing wonderfully, and to everyone I haven't seen in a long time I miss you all to pieces!
Created by naw5689 and taken 15022 times on bzoink! Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:The DoorsAre you male or female:Unhappy GirlDescribe yourself:The ChangelingHow do some people feel about you:People are StrangeHow do you feel about yourself:Wishful
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When two people come together to buy beer for everyone for the sake of having a kick ass night of wastedness it is deffinatly a good thing. 3 30 packs and a fifth of jose later I'd say the night was pretty succesful.
I just wrote a really long entry but deleted it because no words could possibly describe what the fuck is going on in my head right now
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