I don't know if I'm being irrational or what. Jake wants to go spend the night at his friends who live an hour+ away. Also he mentioned he mentioned how the dreaded roommate is also having a party Friday...convenient that he wants to go spend the night there when she's having a party and leaving me behind
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I think I might move back to lj from xanga. Jake's ex I know stalks it and I want to be able to talk about whatever I want! I also kinda don't want to make her feel bad...I guess. I don't know. I do kind of feel bad for her. She keeps calling and calling but Jake keeps ignoring her and when she called yesterday and left a voicemail she sounded
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So I was thinking today (well more like a second ago) that people really throw "I love you"s around like they don't really mean anything. Its like saying "Hey, I really like you a lot
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SO I just thought I would post something on here cause I do still have a few lingering friends on here :P (even though I haven't posted on here in forever).