*Hugs Hard* I got nothing, sweet heart, Just...be safe? in all things , be safe and if you need me I'm here. I have trillian that runs 3 different AM's yahoo, hotmail and AIM. I can give you the names to any of them.
You need to be kinder to yourself and you're getting caught up in things that seem unnecessarily difficult, I don't know the whole story, it's not my place to know it, but I'm worried about you and I'm worried this whole thing is going to make you ill or have a knock on effect that lasts a hell of a lot longer than the visit itself.
I will happily take the Yahoo or MSN screen names, because I have both. I prefer MSN... and now I could have *gasp* FOUR people on there. Such a full and vibrant social life I have!
You know what, I am the oldest of the three people in this particular clusterfuck by a decade, so I am damned well going to take the lion's share of the responsibility for it. I ought to know better by now. Oddly enough, since I figured out what Cynthia was doing and had a chance to talk with Michael I feel loads better. Plus, he sent pictures, and that always gives me the happy. I still feel fat and insecure, but fuck it, that's not a problem until nekkid times come along. Fully clothed, I am wicked babely. But hell, honey, if you are curious about the whole story, I will gladly tell you as much as I know of it. There's no big secret, except why Cynthia has such a ginormous redwood up her butt about Michael and I hooking up, and I think sanity will prevent me from ever understanding that.
Comments 7
You need to be kinder to yourself and you're getting caught up in things that seem unnecessarily difficult, I don't know the whole story, it's not my place to know it, but I'm worried about you and I'm worried this whole thing is going to make you ill or have a knock on effect that lasts a hell of a lot longer than the visit itself.
You know what, I am the oldest of the three people in this particular clusterfuck by a decade, so I am damned well going to take the lion's share of the responsibility for it. I ought to know better by now. Oddly enough, since I figured out what Cynthia was doing and had a chance to talk with Michael I feel loads better. Plus, he sent pictures, and that always gives me the happy. I still feel fat and insecure, but fuck it, that's not a problem until nekkid times come along. Fully clothed, I am wicked babely. But hell, honey, if you are curious about the whole story, I will gladly tell you as much as I know of it. There's no big secret, except why Cynthia has such a ginormous redwood up her butt about Michael and I hooking up, and I think sanity will prevent me from ever understanding that.
Siamesegoth2@hotmail.com Is coming to get you!! Oh yes she is !
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