life's ok, getting better. anyone here have a deadjournal? eh, i'm having trouble keeping up with both journals since i've been using dj since like forever. but if you do, add me: xedoutheart
Hmm... The show was awwwwwwesome! Too bad my clothes smell like fucking smoke now. UGH. Everyone was smoking there. I got Pris's cd. It's majorly awesome. Brodie's last show, sad. And the other bands rocked too. Finished all of my shopping! Holiday shopping can be quite stressful. Sometimes I enjoy it, other times I loathe it. Don't know why...
Copied and pasted this from my DJ. Post this in your journal and bold the things you have in common with me and change the things you don't. ( things in common with JYNXED )
Yesterday night, while driving sleepily around downtown seattle, I almost ran over a drunk hobo. I yelled out the window "dude, you're fucking drunk!" and he responded by saying "i know, hahahahaha"
Think of one thing that you're thankful for and post it here and as for me, I am thankful for umm... pumpkin pie! no, I'm just kidding. I'm thankful for having such great friends who are always there for me.