Title: Five Times Ryan Was Tempted To Kiss Chad (And The One Time He Did).
Pairing(s): Chad/Ryan (mentions of Troy/Gabriela, Sharpay/Zeke, Kelsi/Jason).
Summary: During five different occasions Ryan has been tempted to kiss Chad. On the sixth time, he gives in.
Rating: PG.
Warning(s): None.
Word Count: 4161 words.
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Comments 9
Plus I just really like friendship fics, and in a way this was that, too. :)
Great job!
I loved this. Lots of stories are pleasant to read and give you a nice fuzzy feeling, but there are some moments and stories that go beyond that. This story was just filled with "YAY" moments. Like Chad's casual 'hey, you're totally my boyfriend' moment, Ryan's Rage Against the Machine, and someone finally, FINALLY, acknowledging that CORBIN BLEU (and by extension, Chad Danforth) IS CLEARLY BIRACIAL. Such an awesome moment, and I *love* how understanding Chad's parents are because of that. You've taken all the potential cliches and flipped them over on us, and I, for one, am happy to be upside-down. ^_^
I don't know if I have anything to say that hasn't already been said before, but all of the scenes were wonderful, but those at the amll and the skating rink were particularly good. I think I love your characterization of Chad's mother!
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