Mar 30, 2007 13:07
I'm finished with my Freshman year of college in 31 days.
This summer looks to include lots of working and lots of trips to the city :]
Jun 30, 2006 23:44
Hello my name is Lizzy and after a terrible day I just bought myself a ticket to see Death Cab for Cutie August the 2nd at 7:30 at the Bryce Jordan Center in University Park Pennsylvania.
I'm excited
Mar 16, 2006 15:25
- Hush Pin day....kept mine even with Marcell poking me all ninth period
- Watched beginning of the Blues Brothers in music theory
- Got to talk to Ranee for the first time in ages during lunch
- There was a bear (or wolf, depending on who you heard it from) up at the stadium (haha)
- Had a ghetto weather emergency drill
Feb 28, 2006 22:42
I'm leaving for Indiana at 6 in the morning!!!!