Title: Quiet Pairing: Leobin Rating: PG-13 Genre: Psychological, AU, romance, angst, songfic: Nell - 백색왜성 Summary: Taekwoon is lucky to have someone to point him in the right direction, both in life and death. Wordcount: 3,185
Wow...and beautiful and sad. It wasn't Taekwoon's time and it is lovely that Hongbin wanted to be sure he got off at the first stop and had their last bit of time together without ruining it for Taekwoon
Oh my gosh...this was so beautiful. I just cried like a baby ;_; I want to say more but I can't stop crying ha,, this was such a creative take on this type of subject ;; amazing work! ;; thank you for sharing <3
Comments 7
I want to say more but I can't stop crying ha,, this was such a creative take on this type of subject ;;
amazing work! ;; thank you for sharing <3
(why did you have to make it pink-hared Bean I'm so weak ;; )
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