Title: Temptation Waits
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Warnings: Incest.
Rating/Category: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None
Summary: No one can resist forever.
Notes: Title nabbed from
Garbage. Written for the Resistance challenge at
Temptation Waits )
Comments 19
And wee for a Don/Charlie fic I can actually READ, that doesn't mention a penis. :) Innocence works, sometimes... especially for this fic. Although it definately alludes to all that is hot and steamy, as any good Don/Charlie should (or so I hear *whistles innocently*). :)
Thank you for posting this! I loved it. :D
he's the big brother, he should be the one to control himself, the one to say 'no'... but he always succumbs to the Charlie loving
So true! I always picture him as trying to be strong (for both Charlie's sake and his own), but in the end the desire to give Charlie what he wants always wins out. But not without much agonizing on Don's part. ;)
Innocence works
If employed well, I think it has the potential to work even better than full-out seduction and hotness. Charlie is so innocent in so many ways (just take his cluelessness about his work for the NSA in Sacrifice), and that's a large part of his allure.
Thank you for posting this!
And thank you for commenting. I really appreciate it. :)
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