Song: All The Pretty Little Horses
Artist: Nick Cave & Current 93
Spoilers: Through CoE
Size: 39.9 MB, avi
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BAM Summary: Jack Harkness. Torchwood's Pied Piper.
Notes: I came out of Torchweek a bit obsessed with the idea of Jack as the
Pied Piper. I'm sure it's somewhat textually intentional because of his actions with the children in the 60's, but upon further ponderings it actually fits with Jack as a character. He's literally the one who leads Team Torchwood to their doom. Just like the Doctor invites a companion aboard the TARDIS, Jack recruits his team, but they don't quite go on the same ride. They don't get the wonders of the universe. As Suzie puts it, "This planet is so dirty that's all we get, the shit.” Torchwood gets the shorter straw, and everyone falls into an endless cycle of death and madness. It's just how it is.
Looking at the bigger picture proves that ultimately no one comes out of Torchwood unmarked, not even those who survive. I think Robert Browning's poem
"The Pied Piper of Hamelin" expresses Gwen's position at the end of CoE in the simplest of ways:
It's dull in our town since my playmates left!
I can't forget that I'm bereft
Of all the pleasant sights they see,
Which the Piper also promised me. (Verse 13)
~ Shoutout to
ohvienna for being my sound board on this one. Sometimes it just helps to talk it out. ;)
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Don't you cry
Go to sleepy little baby
Go to sleepy little baby
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little horses
All the pretty little horses
Blacks and bays
Dapples and greys
All the pretty little horses
Way down yonder
In the meadow
Lies a poor little lamby
Bees and butterflies
Flitting round his eyes
Poor little thing is crying
Go to sleep
Don't you cry
Rest your head upon the clover
Rest your head upon the clover
In your dreams
You shall ride
Whilst your mammy's watching over
Blacks and bays
Dapples and greys
All the pretty little horses
All the pretty little horses
All the pretty little horses
All the pretty little horses
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