Title: The Scars of Your Love [1/3]
Author: synergyfox
Pairing: Cara/Dahlia... I suppose it would also be considered unrequited Cara/Kahlan but still like acknowledged?
Rating: M
Warnings: Angst, crack, family issues, birds-and-the-bees... life? Oh and edits are slowly being made - my eyes are droopy however.
Word Count: 3, 254
Disclaimer: Trust me, it's
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Comments 42
I am so glad you finally got around to working on this again. Sonia and Sam are so freakin adorable, I just want to squish them and give them noogies and squish them some more.
*sniff* My heart hurts for Kahlan having to see all this stuff. You see what happens when you trust some dumb boy over your bb, Kahlan? *stern glare*
*shifty eyes*
*gives in and snuggles Kahlan*
Can't wait to see the rest of 'em :D
*pets Kahlan* I thinkthe poor thing has learned her lesson, this has to be absolute torture *smishes her*
Yeah, you snuggle her - she's got a long road ahead of her. ;)
First off want to say thank you for the credit in your A/N but it wasn't necessary {{hugz}}
Poor Kahlan not only having to see all the key development milestones of her children that she missed but seeing Dahlia being there for them just made it all the more painful!! Just heartbreaking to see what one wrong decision has cost her :'(
Also how funny was Cara trying to have "The Talk"...bwahaha..love how you've woven some lighter moments in with the dark - the kitchen scene, enough said <333...well done ;)
This story is heart tugging, angsty, dark/light and with just the right dash of humour and I LOVE IT!!!
Cannot wait to see the rest and hope for a happy ending for our girls..kplzthx
PS: Best.B'day.EVER!!!! thx bb
That's pretty much the theme of the story though - what one bad decision can lead to. There's going to be a lot more angst on the way, specially with what Kahlan went through without Cara. I'm tempted to write a oneshot about that as well.
I feel kinda bad for Cara, she's like, "wtf do I do? This is Kahlan's job... not mine. DAHLIA!!!!" All while trying to be all... stoic and badass Mord'Sith-yet-not-Mord'Sith cos she's not Mord'Sith anymore? At least the lighter moments make for XD
I'm glad you love it - but I think you're getting biased *wink wink nudge nudge*
I shall diligently return to writing... tomorrow. Apparently Tiffany wishes to get me shitfaced tonight in honor of my last final being complete.
Hope you had fun....also hope u have diligently returned to writing ;')
Now pardon me while I go use my bed like a D'Haran whore.
I'm a little unclear yet what the second chance the Whisp mentions for Cara is about and that is ok. I wonder is it to just have Cara live, for Cara and Kahlan to relive the past of Sonia & Sam(like a Zedd re-do) or for Cara and Kahlan to have a possible future together. The images that Kahlan is seeing seem to be a real montage of what she's missed or what might disappear if a re-do occurs.
I look forward to reading more, and perhaps learning more about the red guard. Your stories are gripping and compelling. Thanks Kali
Ah, the Wisp's meaning will definitely be a main plot point for this particular fic, especially for section 3/3.
Hopefully you will stick through with me to the end.
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