Title: The Scars of Your Love [1/3]
Author: synergyfox
Pairing: Cara/Dahlia... I suppose it would also be considered unrequited Cara/Kahlan but still like acknowledged?
Rating: M
Warnings: Angst, crack, family issues, birds-and-the-bees... life? Oh and edits are slowly being made - my eyes are droopy however.
Word Count: 3, 254
Disclaimer: Trust me, it's
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Comments 42
Aww and the children, they are so adorable..
Even when this is more a Cara/Kahlan story, I love your Cara/Dahlia pairing here. At first I thought: Ohhh poor Kahlan! But then I was more like: "You deserve it!! You deserve it to feel bad!! You believed Richard!!" Richard!! Who would believe Richard more than your own wife?? Oh boy!" yeah.. well..
And the time-jumps (?) are the best thing ever! Love it! and this time I didn't cry, that is good! ;) *happy dance*
The bbs need snuggles, they're seriously adorkable and just made of awesome. I'm a bit more attached to them than I should be.
Gah, the pairing was so damned confusing... cos it's C/K... but it's C/D... but not... just... gah! *flails hard* Aw, well... ;) I think you'll probably be a bit more Kahlan-sided in the next two updates.
Don't think there'll be many tears in this fic.
Cara defiantly had some happy times while parted from Kahlan, but in the end it was still sad for her. I'm glad you are enjoying the heartbreaky mess so far.
Ok, I´m over the point where I wanted to slap Kahlan, hard! Now, PLEASE!! She suffered enough, she sees she was soOOOO wrong!
AND! I am totally on her side _ not surprised?- when she thinks Dahlia has no right! to dance with Cara, much less to moan and be pleasured where it should be Kahlan who is at Cara´s side. (Though, even I, who is NEVER one to friend Dahlia, may be a tiny lil thankful that she is there, when Cara needs someone/*coughs-Kahlan-coughs*
Very touching, babe! Ißm waiting for more!
:) Good, because like seriously, she's going to go through enough wibbly moments and is gonna need some reader support (cos I'm not going lightly on her in any way, shape or form in the next two chapters). Hopefully this will make people all kinds of :3 at Dahlia - specially as it goes on. Cos I'm biased and I love her so much.
“Powerful magic and prophecy tend to throw everyone for a loop.”
is the answer to every question in the LoTS world. I'm mucho excited to read anything from you missy because I have missed thee :)
ps: I may have made some other marriege proposals and I may or MAY NOT be married into another family >.>
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