For anyone with a Playstation 2 and WAY too much much free time (you know who you are), I highly recomend Dark Cloud 2. It's an action RPG, not quite up to the standard of Kingdom Hearts but close, and with a lot more sheer game than the rather short KH had. It also features more likeable protagonists than overrated Disney characters and Obnoxious
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For anybody who noticed or cared about my absence for the past.... er, while... I had some internet access issues. This has been resolved now, however, so you shall all be forced to endure my presence once more. Oho ho ho.
In other news, I had steak for dinner. This makes me happy. Yumm.
Everyone who reads this (er, all.... three of you? *sigh*) make sure to hit and vote in the character battle tournament! Sunday's is a bit one-sided, and I don't really care about Monday's, but make sure you go there Tuesday and vote for Ramza. It breaks my heart to vote against the cute little pink puffball Kirby, but Ramza is a
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You know how, when you pour soda pop out of a bottle, if you tilt it too much the air starts burping in because the soda is filling the entire opening of the botle? It's really annoying! Well, I realized that it does that because when the soda pours out, there's more space for air inside the bottle that needs to be filled, since liquid doesn't
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I said my goodbyes to my family today, and god knows when I'll see them again. I'll be able to talk to Andrea on AIM, but I'm really gonna miss the younger girls. They leave Wednesday for Arkansas, a quarter of the continent away
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