First Twenty Equals Nineteen

Apr 22, 2009 22:09

As is my wont, I am going to post a list of all the people who greeted me for my birthday yesterday. I've already thanked them all, mostly through text, but if not, well, I found a million other means. It helps when I have an LJ, a Multiply, a Friendster and a Facebook. Go figure. XP If you didn't receive a message from me to thank you, tell me asap. I'm pretty sure I texted everyone, but hey, I might've missed you by accident. In that case, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, honestly.

Before I go to "The List", let me explain the rationale behind it. I guess it stems from my birthday being during our summer vacation here in the Philippines. Since it's summer, I don't get to see all my friends and classmates during the day or any time near it. I don't get the customary writing on the blackboard announcing the birthday, and I don't receive the greetings as I walk along the hallway and around the school. So, for me to receive any form of a greeting - a text, an email, a comment on my guestbook at Multiply, etc - is something I really appreciate. It means that although I'm not "seen" during the day itself, I'm still remembered. I mentioned it last year, I think, how I get to appreciate the "simpler" things more thanks to this; hence, "The List". :) So, now that I've sorta explained myself, here it is. :)

THE LIST [Nicknames will be used to at least give some semblance of "privacy". XP]

  1. Nich, first UP friend part1 XP, awesome blockmate XD
  2. freedomsturtle, platmate!!! <3
  3. Baby Squishy, China Tour friend :)
  4. Hazel, first UP friend part2 XP, awesome blockmate XD
  5. musicdreaming, platmate!!! <3
  6. saulalovin, batchmate & friend :)
  7. Ate Jamie, former sister-in-law? XP
  8. Tita Diane & Tito Toti, aunt & uncle
  9. Ate AJ, former dep't rep & slatemate :)
  10. Ate Tin, slatemate :)
  11. Ate Steph, slatemate :)
  12. Ate Rax, slatemate :) - Did you notice the consecutive texts from my slatemates? Someone spilled the beans, I bet. XP
  13. Ram, cousin
  14. Mommy, grandmother @ dad's side
  15. Mommy & Daddy, grandparents @ mom's side
  16. Cloy, awesome blockmate XD
  17. Fe, musicdreaming's COC2 ;)
  18. Ate Elliz, slatemate :)
  19. Kuya Gil, slatemate & buddy :D
  20. burping_volcano, platmate!!! <3
  21. the_3rdperson, archery friend :D
  22. tamer_shadow, batchmate & friend :)
  23. Rosey, platmate!!! <3
  24. sockpuppetbites, platmate!!! <3
  25. White Blouse, ;) + <3
  26. Ate Jap & children, via White Blouse ;)
  27. Ate Joyce, slatemate :)
  28. Ate Louie, slatemate :)
  29. rhysque, batchmate & friend :)
  30. Kuya Dom, slatemate :)
  31. daringscientive, cousin & fellow Royai fangirl XD
  32. Meg, cousin
  33. Enzo, via musicdreaming XD
  34. Auntie Cora & Uncle Judi, aunt & uncle in Germany :)
    heradite, platmate!!! <3
  35. hellomikki, platmate!!! <3
  36. Joni, awesome blockmate XD
  37. shi_shi_rendan, platmate!!! <3
  38. Kuya Jay, slatemate :)
  39. Ate Sasa, slatemate :)
  40. Shai, awesome blockmate XD
  41. Nikki, daughter of ma's best friend1 XP
  42. Pachie, awesome blockmate XD
  43. Tin, awesome blockmate XD
  44. Marichris, awesome blockmate XD
  45. Gela, awesome blockmate XD - Someone spilled it to my blockmates too. XP They're all so sweet! <3
  46. Shiri, Resistance! XP
  47. Lai, awesome blockmate XD
  48. aasrainbows, schoolmate, orgmate :)
  49. Tim, UP upperclassman, classmate @ German Cultural Center ;)
  50. Kuya Ian, slatemate :)
  51. Das, awesome blockmate XD
  52. Ate Mai, slatemate :)
  53. Kuya Josh, slatemate :)
  54. Trixie, daughter of ma's best friend1 XP
  55. Arabelle, China Tour friend :)
  56. Dean & family, cousin & family
  57. jkmp923, batchmate & friend :)
  58. Fausty, batchmate & friend :)
  59. Den2, platmate!!! <3
  60. bambi0403, platmate!!! <3
  61. noverin_ghost, batchmate & friend :)
  62. Issa, batchmate & classmate :)
  63. heiddles, friend ;)
  64. toki_hasegara, schoolmate, orgmate :)
  65. Finella, schoolmate, choir-mate :)
  66. Bean, via musicdreaming XP
  67. Janne, batchmate & friend :)
  68. Tita Nina & Tito Jojo, aunt & uncle
  69. Kiko, cousin
  70. Kuya Myk, awesome blockmate XD
  71. Ate Den-Den, cousin
  72. JJ, friend :D
  73. nikki_chan16, friend ;)
  74. arashi_tenkai, friend ;)
  75. beachuchudes, musicdreaming's COC ;)
  76. Marge, batchmate & friend :)
  77. Jezelle, awesome blockmate XD
  78. Family, of course. ;)
  79. tossthefeathers, the only one who gets the honorary title of best friend ;) much love! <333

P.S. These aren't arranged in any particular order. Some may have greeted late, but point is, they greeted. For me, that's all that counts. :)

Again, much thanks to everyone!!! My birthday was made that much more special thanks to all of you. <3

Of course, there are special thank yous to the ff:
  1. burping_volcano, musicdreaming, freedomsturtle and hellomikki for being awesome drinking buddies to celebrate my birthday. ;) I'm not sure yet if I'm happy we didn't get drunk. Then again, we get drunk on oxygen, so... XD
  2. burping_volcano for Wykar's new sister, Wyski, the snow white bear. <3
  3. hellomikki for the awesome pair of handmade necklaces. I L.O.V.E. them, honestly. Expect me to wear them often enough. ;)
  4. freedomsturtle for the German books. Oh joy, more German. < rolls eyes > Kidding! XP I love them, seriously. ;)
  5. musicdreaming, bambi0403 and heradite for the video! I've already told you what I think of it, but I'll say it again anyway - I LOVE IT!!! Thank you for making me feel really loved. <333
  6. heradite, sockpuppetbites, Rosey and musicdreaming for the letters [and one letter-to-follow ;)]. <3
  7. tamer_shadow for the absolutely sweet comment. You know what I'm talking about. ;)
  8. Lai for her sweet Royai gift. ;) Haha, you know me well. XP
  9. My Family for all the things they've done for me. They've got their flaws, but they've also given me so much, so I can't help but be grateful.
  10. THEPLATSPIRIT because you guys always deserve special mention. <333
  11. And tossthefeathers because I thought she forgot me, only to be proven totally wrong. XD Haha, I love you!!! <333

People tell me I'm old at 19, but hey, what does age matter to me when my heart's this full with people who love me? Can I get any happier than this? :)


< Syv

self:family, self:birthday, self:friends

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