As is my wont, I am going to post a list of all the people who greeted me for my birthday yesterday. I've already thanked them all, mostly through text, but if not, well, I found a million other means. It helps when I have an LJ, a Multiply, a Friendster and a Facebook. Go figure. XP If you didn't receive a message from me to thank you, tell me asap. I'm pretty sure I texted everyone, but hey, I might've missed you by accident. In that case, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, honestly.
Before I go to "The List", let me explain the rationale behind it. I guess it stems from my birthday being during our summer vacation here in the Philippines. Since it's summer, I don't get to see all my friends and classmates during the day or any time near it. I don't get the customary writing on the blackboard announcing the birthday, and I don't receive the greetings as I walk along the hallway and around the school. So, for me to receive any form of a greeting - a text, an email, a comment on my guestbook at Multiply, etc - is something I really appreciate. It means that although I'm not "seen" during the day itself, I'm still remembered. I mentioned it last year, I think, how I get to appreciate the "simpler" things more thanks to this; hence, "The List". :) So, now that I've sorta explained myself, here it is. :)
THE LIST [Nicknames will be used to at least give some semblance of "privacy". XP]
- Nich, first UP friend part1 XP, awesome blockmate XD
- freedomsturtle, platmate!!! <3
- Baby Squishy, China Tour friend :)
- Hazel, first UP friend part2 XP, awesome blockmate XD
- musicdreaming, platmate!!! <3
- saulalovin, batchmate & friend :)
- Ate Jamie, former sister-in-law? XP
- Tita Diane & Tito Toti, aunt & uncle
- Ate AJ, former dep't rep & slatemate :)
- Ate Tin, slatemate :)
- Ate Steph, slatemate :)
- Ate Rax, slatemate :) - Did you notice the consecutive texts from my slatemates? Someone spilled the beans, I bet. XP
- Ram, cousin
- Mommy, grandmother @ dad's side
- Mommy & Daddy, grandparents @ mom's side
- Cloy, awesome blockmate XD
- Fe, musicdreaming's COC2 ;)
- Ate Elliz, slatemate :)
- Kuya Gil, slatemate & buddy :D
- burping_volcano, platmate!!! <3
- the_3rdperson, archery friend :D
- tamer_shadow, batchmate & friend :)
- Rosey, platmate!!! <3
- sockpuppetbites, platmate!!! <3
- White Blouse, ;) + <3
- Ate Jap & children, via White Blouse ;)
- Ate Joyce, slatemate :)
- Ate Louie, slatemate :)
- rhysque, batchmate & friend :)
- Kuya Dom, slatemate :)
- daringscientive, cousin & fellow Royai fangirl XD
- Meg, cousin
- Enzo, via musicdreaming XD
- Auntie Cora & Uncle Judi, aunt & uncle in Germany :)
heradite, platmate!!! <3
- hellomikki, platmate!!! <3
- Joni, awesome blockmate XD
- shi_shi_rendan, platmate!!! <3
- Kuya Jay, slatemate :)
- Ate Sasa, slatemate :)
- Shai, awesome blockmate XD
- Nikki, daughter of ma's best friend1 XP
- Pachie, awesome blockmate XD
- Tin, awesome blockmate XD
- Marichris, awesome blockmate XD
- Gela, awesome blockmate XD - Someone spilled it to my blockmates too. XP They're all so sweet! <3
- Shiri, Resistance! XP
- Lai, awesome blockmate XD
- aasrainbows, schoolmate, orgmate :)
- Tim, UP upperclassman, classmate @ German Cultural Center ;)
- Kuya Ian, slatemate :)
- Das, awesome blockmate XD
- Ate Mai, slatemate :)
- Kuya Josh, slatemate :)
- Trixie, daughter of ma's best friend1 XP
- Arabelle, China Tour friend :)
- Dean & family, cousin & family
- jkmp923, batchmate & friend :)
- Fausty, batchmate & friend :)
- Den2, platmate!!! <3
- bambi0403, platmate!!! <3
- noverin_ghost, batchmate & friend :)
- Issa, batchmate & classmate :)
- heiddles, friend ;)
- toki_hasegara, schoolmate, orgmate :)
- Finella, schoolmate, choir-mate :)
- Bean, via musicdreaming XP
- Janne, batchmate & friend :)
- Tita Nina & Tito Jojo, aunt & uncle
- Kiko, cousin
- Kuya Myk, awesome blockmate XD
- Ate Den-Den, cousin
- JJ, friend :D
- nikki_chan16, friend ;)
- arashi_tenkai, friend ;)
- beachuchudes, musicdreaming's COC ;)
- Marge, batchmate & friend :)
- Jezelle, awesome blockmate XD
- Family, of course. ;)
- tossthefeathers, the only one who gets the honorary title of best friend ;) much love! <333
P.S. These aren't arranged in any particular order. Some may have greeted late, but point is, they greeted. For me, that's all that counts. :)
Again, much thanks to everyone!!! My birthday was made that much more special thanks to all of you. <3
Of course, there are special thank yous to the ff:
- burping_volcano, musicdreaming, freedomsturtle and hellomikki for being awesome drinking buddies to celebrate my birthday. ;) I'm not sure yet if I'm happy we didn't get drunk. Then again, we get drunk on oxygen, so... XD
- burping_volcano for Wykar's new sister, Wyski, the snow white bear. <3
- hellomikki for the awesome pair of handmade necklaces. I L.O.V.E. them, honestly. Expect me to wear them often enough. ;)
- freedomsturtle for the German books. Oh joy, more German. < rolls eyes > Kidding! XP I love them, seriously. ;)
- musicdreaming, bambi0403 and heradite for the video! I've already told you what I think of it, but I'll say it again anyway - I LOVE IT!!! Thank you for making me feel really loved. <333
- heradite, sockpuppetbites, Rosey and musicdreaming for the letters [and one letter-to-follow ;)]. <3
- tamer_shadow for the absolutely sweet comment. You know what I'm talking about. ;)
- Lai for her sweet Royai gift. ;) Haha, you know me well. XP
- My Family for all the things they've done for me. They've got their flaws, but they've also given me so much, so I can't help but be grateful.
- THEPLATSPIRIT because you guys always deserve special mention. <333
- And tossthefeathers because I thought she forgot me, only to be proven totally wrong. XD Haha, I love you!!! <333
People tell me I'm old at 19, but hey, what does age matter to me when my heart's this full with people who love me? Can I get any happier than this? :)
< Syv