It's the look of the stores on the street in the rain, but a fresh scene spreads before me, and the fun of getting to cross a national border becomes encouragement that I surrender myself to
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Since the Yamaguchi performance various situations and news have been flying about, and at the same time as that, before everyone's eyes I haven't stopped, have progressed with a number of jobs, and have lived this one week with countless numbers of other things going on concurrently
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Today during the live held at the Yamaguchi City Hall during the performance of "kick out" in the encore, our member YORKE. fell from the stage and fainted. The performance ended there as an accident had occurred. Presently, at an emergency hospital CT scans and varioius examinations are being done, and he has been diagnosed with a contusion
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My apologies, but there have been utterances by various media and I've been saved by being restrained. I'd be happy if you could provide support by deleting what's come out
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