My cats are making me crazy.....

Aug 27, 2021 20:53

...but what else is new? It's too hot for furry bodies to pile on me all the time, and yet....

SO! Most of you know/may remember that for the past four years I've been an AmeriCorps VISTA at my local fire department. Well, as of August 17th, that job was over. AmeriCorps only allows you to be a VISTA for a set number of years, and the fire ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

roxymissrose August 28 2021, 03:18:43 UTC
I'm so glad that you've got a different job! I didn't like the sound of that first one you took, and reading about it here makes it worse. Good for you!


tabaqui August 28 2021, 03:21:17 UTC
Thank you! Me too, bb. It was *not* for me.

And then all the nonsense going on re: COVID.... I was still on the texting thing, and they send out a text today that was basically 'pretty please get the vax' like.... Are you people nuts?

Mandate it. Good gods.


thismaz August 28 2021, 06:01:07 UTC
Such a shame about your the fire department job, but CONGRATULATIONS on finding another. I HATED applying for jobs! So, so stressful.


tabaqui August 28 2021, 13:15:52 UTC
YES, omg, it's the worst.
Thank you thank you!


fufaraw August 28 2021, 10:55:07 UTC
Oh, yay for the new job! And I'm glad you've found a car. Can't do without transport, so I'm really glad you found something. Good luck going forward!


tabaqui August 28 2021, 13:17:18 UTC
Thank you so much!
I live in a really small town, BUT - a sort of stretched-out town? And there's just no way to comfortably walk most places (very few sidewalks), and no public transport, so...

I am thinking of getting a bike, but again - no sidewalks, so I'd be sharing Route 66 with trucks and stuff.


ariss_tenoh August 28 2021, 13:33:40 UTC
Sounds like you had a few eventful days^^

Glad to hear you found a more acceptable job. The first one sounds a bit crazy.


tabaqui August 28 2021, 13:44:14 UTC
Just a few! Hehe. Thanks, bb.

It is not a well-run place, in my opinion. Health care workers who are working 100% with senior people in fragile health should have been the *first* people vaxxed, period, no argument. That the management is doing this little dance of 'please, won't you do this??' is grotesque.


ariss_tenoh August 28 2021, 15:24:31 UTC
I agree. Was the management afraid of its staff? It sounds like it.


tabaqui August 28 2021, 15:25:59 UTC
I don't think so. Mostly just afraid to get into fights, I think, considering some people are stupid enough to quit a job over that kind of thing, and nurses/therapists are harder to come by than just general grunts.


brunettepet August 28 2021, 18:10:52 UTC
Working in a nursing home always sounded like a super rough, thankless gig even before the pandemic.

Congratulations on the new job at the CoC!


tabaqui August 28 2021, 18:16:27 UTC
Yup, pretty much. The US needs to do way, way, *way* better, both on the resident/patient side *and* the staff side.

Thank you!


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