Not that I generally expect calls midday... but I'll be having a phone meeting with EDD this morning sometime between 10am and 12pm. So please, no calls this morning or early afternoon.
I realized yesterday afternoon that I have about a week or a little less to move out of my apartment. I'm not sure how it snuck up on me. I guess I wasn't really paying attention to the calendar
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- emailed resume with cover letter to Charlie's contact at Osram OS for a job in OLEDs. From what Charlie said, I probably don't qualify for quite what they are looking for (in-depth charge transport simulations), but at the very least I can put this down on the EDD weekly check list
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My apologies to those people whom I owe a phone call, email, or LJ comment. It's not that I don't mean to get back to you, but I've been feeling a bit non-communicative of late and so my response time has been worse than normal.
To top everything off yesterday, I finally got to the bank to deposit my final checks from NS. (the ones I didn't get till signing the agreement, right before going out of town) And what do I find? I get all the way up to the desk, start the deposit, and the teller points out to me that Brian did not sign either check
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