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Comments 14

ryogrande December 4 2010, 06:27:14 UTC
you should unlock this so i can link it all over the internets.

my 50 cents: it's a big deal now because everything is a big deal now.

i've never been bullied (perks to being taller/bigger than everyone, even if they made fun of you for it), so my opinion is probably invalid. what i do think, though, is that you are the awesome person you are today because you had that experience. if you were adored and cherished all through your school years, you might not know what it's like to be at the bottom and therefore not as appreciative of your top status now.

i also don't think suicide is the answer, regardless of the question, and especially since this is the latest cause to support, these kids should be getting help instead of giving up.


takaramakoto December 4 2010, 14:51:18 UTC

Ahhh that's true. Everything is being blown up in our faces now, I guess we've become attention whores? xD

Suicide is never the answer. And I whole heartedly agree on you're point of kids getting help for that issue. However, most of these kids are too terrified to do so because no one likes a tatle-tell(Sp?) and maybe people just don't believe them. But I seriously hope these kids don't give up because sometimes what dosen't kill you, really does makes you stronger.

Hence the macho me :D LOL

I love your 50 cents so much because it's wonderful to see the viewpoint of those that weren't bullied :D


yatsuiko_chan December 4 2010, 13:02:48 UTC
You're so awesome *.* I'm so amazed by what you said here, really. I've never been bullied (mainly because no one is exactly bullied here in our place. The Philippines doesn't have much of those cases? And my mom said I always look like a lost puppy so people pity me too much).

I agree with everything you said here~ We are who we are :)


takaramakoto December 4 2010, 14:52:10 UTC
Phaha thankies :D
Ahhh a lost puppy?! SO ADORABLE~♥


fuyukoi December 4 2010, 16:44:05 UTC
I followed crystallekil's tweet here and instead of being rambly and incoherent, I'm going to leave you a huge heart:


takaramakoto December 4 2010, 18:37:51 UTC
I absolutely love your huge heart (both the graphic one and the one that is beating) :D
(sadly, I only know how to make the cute little smallish ones xD)


zvemi December 4 2010, 17:35:26 UTC
Hello there :) it's weird to comment on such a post by a complete stranger. As the person above, I also followed the link Crys tweeted :)

I think this is a beautiful post. I was also bullied (not so severely as you, what you describe is horrible D:), many years after I still feel inferior in some ways. I mask it by putting up a strong front, but sometimes insecurities get to me. I realize the important part is to believe in myself, but sometimes it's just difficult. So I think it's amazing you got over your past and came out as such a strong person.

And I have no idea what I'm writing anymore :D

Thank you for this post :)


takaramakoto December 4 2010, 18:49:31 UTC
Don't feel weird! I absolutely love talking to strangers!
(Which is kind of a bad love to have but I'm a rebel :D)

I understand what you mean about it being difficult because it IS. By masking it, you'll eventually grow to believe it. er, I did :D But I think it takes an even stronger person to mask it and put up a strong front while those inseccurites still nag at you. So I find you also amazing and strong :D

Thank you for reading this~! I hope things turn out for the best for you!
You are a nice, wonderful, caring person who has a beautiful soul and heart. And I am sure that shows on the outside (:



kerryblaze December 4 2010, 18:11:22 UTC
*waves* Here via crystallekil's link on twitter.

I was physically and emotionally harassed in grade school (1-8). Like you, it was hell. I was bullied because I was darker (black hair and olive skin) than everyone else. So I had racial slurs thrown at me almost everyday.

As for why the campaigns are happening now... well, I think it's complex. I think a lot of it stems from our society's post-Baby-on-Board current philosophy of Protect the Children. Part of it is due to our vast media driven society. Decades ago, communities acted in silos, people were expected to conform to whatever that community decided was normal. But now the entire world is out there for everyone to see and to judge, and expectations have risen on what behavior is acceptable. Bad behavior is reported and can go viral on the internet very quickly. "Normal" isn't as defined anymore and those outside the norm now have more outlets to voice their opinions and speak out about being mistreated ( ... )


takaramakoto December 4 2010, 18:54:53 UTC
Ahhhh THAT makes sense.
Thank you for that! I seriously had one of those *Ding* moments when a light bulb flashes above a persons head. LOL
Once again, thank you (:
And I love you. Because though I don't know you, you took the time to help answer my question. And answers or even insight is hard to come by (:


kerryblaze December 4 2010, 19:05:40 UTC
♥♥♥ back at ya!

I'm glad you were able to come to believe in yourself. Bullying stays with you. I still have lingering effects from it, but most of the time, I feel the way you do too.


takaramakoto December 4 2010, 20:22:05 UTC
The effects never do go completely away. But I'm glad you don't let the effects linger around and rule who you are (:


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