Title: Missing Chances
Chapter: 3/?
Pairing: Many. Main is Yesung/Hangeng(eventually)
Rating: PG
Genre:VERY AU High School, Romance, Humor, mild angst, and um many more
Disclaimer: own no one -sobs-
Summary: Yesung likes Ryeowook, Kyuhyun likes Ryeowook. So to make sure Kyuhyun gets time and attention from Ryeowook, Kyuhyun makes it so Yesung has to help the new transfer student who just happens to be the nice looking Chinese Hangeng.
A/N - i have up to chapter 7 done and in the wings but life is like killing me right now with school....so if it takes a while after i get to chapter 7 to update im sorry now and i have no intentions to stop this its just life getting in the way xD Dont let this stop u from liking my story though xDDD
Chapter 3
My alarm clock rang, but instead of the usual loud rock, it played some repetitive pop song.
I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head.
‘I think my alarm was changed by someone.’ I threw my arm out from under the covers looking for my alarm on the desk, only I couldn’t find it. ‘Where is that fucking thing?’
That’s about when I came to realize that annoying noise was coming from the other side of the room, where Kibum had been sitting last night.
‘That ass, he changed my alarm noise!’ Looking at my phone, I saw he also set it 2 hours earlier. “Ugh, if I didn’t need him for my revenge, I would have to hurt him for this.” I snorted. “Some best friend.”
I figured since I was already awake, I might as well stay up. I now had 2 whole hours before I had to go to class. I looked over at the empty bed on the other side of the room. This is one of the times I wish Jae didn’t move in with his boyfriend.
‘If he was still here I would have made him stay up and keep me company but, no, he just had to leave.’ Although one good to come out of his leaving was that I never had to worry about walking in on him and his boyfriend in various stages of making out. I shuddered at just the thought of all those times in the past.
I decided to go ahead and get dressed for class today. Afterwards, I figured I should feed my pet turtle.
I left my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. It was quiet. I must be one of the only ones up this early.
I opened the fridge to find some lettuce, toying with the idea of waking up Kibum as pay back. I decided against it. He may not help me with my plan if I pissed him off.
Lettuce in hand, I made my way back upstairs.
Maybe I should go ahead and wake up Hangeng? That way he could get first dibs in the kitchen and I could take him to his first class. I slowly went in the room and closed the door hoping to prevent light from waking up Zhoumi in the process.
Standing in the room, I realized my mistake. I had not been in Zhoumi’s room in ages and didn’t remember which bed was his. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I was able to notice the two lumps on the separate beds. I cursed. The lumps looked the same. Which one was Hangeng?
I made my way towards the bed farthest from the door, hoping that was him. About half way to the bed, I tripped over something and fell face first into the bed, screaming the entire way down.
That scream was enough to wake them both up. I was thrown off the bed and onto the floor and then the lights were flicked on.
I looked towards the door to see Zhoumi looking around, squinting through the sudden light.
Hangeng peered over the bed at me, puzzled.
I was relieved. “Oh, I had the right bed.”
“Yesung?” I turned back to Zhoumi.
He just gave me a bewildered look. “Why are you in our room?”
“Oh, I can explain that.” I said, attempting to stand up.
I looked down to see what I had tripped over, but what caught my eye was this god-awful neon pink shirt. I held it up, asking “What in the world is this?”
Zhoumi snatched it from me. “Mine. Now, why are you in here?”
“What did you do? Steal that from Jessica?” I asked him.
He just gave me a look and started tapping his foot.
“Ok ok. I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and get Hangeng up so I could do like I promised and show him the morning routine without having to worry about the other guys being loud and in the way.”
They both just both gave looks of surprise.
“What?” Zhoumi just shook his head and sat back down on his bed groaning “Uggh, I hate waking up early.”
“Sorry it wasn’t my intention to wake you up also.” I apologized. I looked over at Hangeng “So, you want to go ahead and get up?”
He just raised an eyebrow. “Do what?”
I swear I can only get two word answers out of him.
Suddenly, Zhoumi said something in Chinese and Hangeng replied. It quickly turned into an entire conversation. I might as well not have even been in the room.
I felt my eye start twitching. ‘So he can speak with Zhoumi but not me?’
“Hey, what’s going on?” I demanded.
“Oh, sorry. I was explaining everything to him. You rambled too fast for him to keep up.” Zhoumi explained.
“Oh. Why didn’t he ask?” I said, looking over at Hangeng.
He just shrugged.
“Whatever. Since y’all are already up, want to go ahead and head down for breakfast?” I asked hoping to avoid blowing up at Hangeng.
Zhoumi just said to go ahead down there and let them change. “Unless you want to stay here and help me?” Zhoumi tried to throw me what he thought was a flirty look.
“Uh, no thank you. I think I’ll just go downstairs now.” I said in a rush to get out . As I closed the door, I heard Zhoumi chuckle and say something in Chinese to Hangeng and I heard Hangeng laugh in return.
I headed into the kitchen trying to get his laugh out of my head. ‘I tried to get him to talk all day yesterday, but got nothing. One night with Zhoumi and he’s chatting away. Granted it’s in his natural language but it was said he could speak Korean just fine.’
I banged my coffee cup on the table and sat down. ‘Whatever. If he doesn’t want to talk to me, fine, but I’m still going to do what I promised and help out.’
I sipped some of my coffee and I had time to think before Hangeng and Zhoumi came into the kitchen. ‘I think I would give anything to have him laugh for me.’
We were just finishing breakfast when a couple of the other guys made it downstairs. I was kind of relieved for that. Breakfast was mostly silent but for a couple remarks made in Chinese and I was getting uncomfortable.
The first to arrive as we were getting ready to leave were Sungmin and Kangin. “Hyung, I said I was sorry.” Sungmin was following close behind Kangin saying this. Kangin was just glaring at him, refusing to speak it looked like (and it looked like he has been ignoring him for a while.)
We just sat and watched as Sungmin kept apologizing to Kangin. Curiosity overwhelmed me. “Sungmin, what’s wrong?”
Sungmin turned toward us. “I don’t know why he’s making such a big deal out of this. I didn’t mean to walk in on him taking a shower. I thought he was still asleep. He normally is at that time anyway.”
I started to feel sorry for Sungmin just then.
I know what Kangin does when he’s in the shower.
We used to spend a lot of time at each other’s houses and I am one of the few people to know he likes to sing and dance to girly pop songs in the shower in the morning.
Sungmin was getting worked up and he was starting to turn almost the color of his pink shirt. “It’s not like he had the door locked. Hell, he didn’t even have the curtain closed so it’s not my fault I saw him dan-”
Kangin looked like he flew to get his hand over Sungmin’s mouth. “I swear, I will forgive you if you just shut up. Do we have a deal?” Sungmin nodded and it sounded like he said okay, but with Kangin’s hand over his mouth I couldn’t be sure. “Ok good. What do you want for breakfast?” Kangin asked removing his hand and turned toward the cabinets.
“Oh, just cereal is fine.” Sungmin said, and he started humming a song.
I saw Kangin flinch and had the idea that it was the song he was dancing to.
“Well, Zhoumi, Hangeng and I just finished and I think it’s a good idea we get to class so Hangeng can get situated.” I said, looking toward them, pleading with my eyes to agree.
They got the message. “Oh yeah, we need to go.” Zhoumi said, pulling Hangeng toward the door. I followed them with one last look into the kitchen to see Kangin and Sungmin glaring at each other, whispering heatedly.
I spared a thought of pity for Kangin. I knew how Sungmin was and I’m sure the boy would tease him for days.
I turned back to Hangeng and Zhoumi. “Well let’s go.” I said, heading to class.
(A/N - I promised my beta i would help him out so im pimping his story out....IF u like BEAST and Fantasy im sure you'll love his fic...hes pretty much done writing it so you wont have to wait a long time for him to finish ^_^
lettherebeminho <-- Totally check him out hes a great writer)
Chapter 4