Good morning y'all. I have no idea what possessed me this morning, but it was a good thing. It poured down rain last night so it was nice and cool out this morning and I wanted to be outside while it was so nice.
Not to mention that the storm front finally being outta here has made me feel better for the moment.
After being up til 2 a.m.
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Comments 9
There are two options. You can either use a different browser for now, or you can post in html mode instead of Rich Text.
The html for an LJ cut is < lj-cut text="type your cut text here" > at the start and then < /lj-cut > at the end. I've put extra spaces in between the karat marks (these: < >) so they'll show up in my comment.
Good to know it wasn't me not paying attention, again. hee
Re: html code
Thanks, I think I'll use that. Good thing it's not rocket science.
I'm using Windows Internet Explorer still. I gave up using FireFox, as much as I like it. I mean? it's made for MAC and it has always caused hickups on our PCs. I don't care how compatible it's alleged to be for Windows. Same with iTunes, but I put up with it because I like the player that well and the glitches are fewer.
For your average PC user and I'm not an average user Windows OS's are not stable enough for it to work without glitches, for very long. It works for the developers because they know how to do the maintenance. I think the issues come in with Windows security updates not working with FireFox.
I really want to get a MAC in the near future. *sighs*
Just out of curiosity, what is it about her that makes you call her Siamese?
It's tricky sometimes when you can't hear the intonations of the person speaking. :o)
Btw-I am not chronologically old yet. ;-]
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