First of all, your three votes:
♔ ♔ ♔ Basics
Name/Alias: Unkie
Age: 19
Do you want to be stamped as a gender in particular?: No.
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: Anise. Dear god, why. Lots is copypasta from my original but I'm redoing my personality section. Apparently I wasn't clear enough.
In depth
Likes:I like the internet, and naps. Caffeine, noodles, just food in general I guess, being lazy but also being productive, languages, artsy things like drawing and writing and music and cosplay, video games, Alistair ._.; cute clothes and shopping, horses and things that are lol worthy
Dislikes: Having to get up, when I don't get my coffee, people with tunnel vision (not literally, but figuratively), mushrooms, peppers, cooked carrots, and idk
Fears: I have hydrophobia :|a, getting mugged in the street, the apocalypse (for the record that was painful to even type), people stealing my towel when I shower
Goals/Dreams: I'd say I like to save the world. But that seems too out there soo... I guess this year I would like to be able to get into a study abroad program, and by the end of college I'd like to have participated in at least one show (for horseback oh my god my childhood DREAM). I also want to teach English in the Japans (lol so specific) but in a manner that is American... which will probably get myself shot. But I can dream |D
Describe your personality: There is tl;dr, beware.
At first glance, I am a rather mellow and polite person. I try to be nice/polite to people I don't know very well. Sometimes I feel a little awkward because I end up saying things that don't belong (Waiter: "Enjoy your meal." Me: "You too... er.") or I stumble over my words but I just keep smiling and pretend that was a sweatdrop rolling down the back of my head. Or something. I don't try to make life hard for anyone because I simply see no need to do that.
Beyond that I'm generally mild-mannered, easygoing and almost never stressed. I never let anything get to me because if something seems looming, I know that eventually it will be over and life will continue. Hopefully. It takes a whole lot for something to not be enjoyable for me, no matter how bad. Most of the time I don't really have an opinion on it, whatever it is. So whenever someone asks me how it went, there are two answers: "Good" and "Boring". Never "GOD IT WAS SO BAD I WANTED TO DIE" or "IT WAS THE BEST THING OF MY LIFE". It takes a lot for me to consider either extreme so most of the time everything sits in the middle. I never take anything too seriously, either. I know that if I take something too seriously it will consume me and cause me a lot of unnecessary stress and I don't want that. I have the ability to poke fun at almost everything and sometimes that makes me seem maybe prejudice but really, that isn't my intention at all. Joking is definitely what I like to do and I love to laugh.
You'd be surprised, though. Emotions and I absolutely do not get along. It's a long story. I am not an emotional person, and when I do things there rarely ever is any sentiment behind it. More often than not it's a pattern of logical thinking: I am giving this girl $5 because she is po' and I am a rich bitch so she needs it more than I do, not because I pity her. I have five candies and my friend has three who likes it just as much as I do, so I will give a candy so we are even. Just for example. I don't express myself. That is probably bad and unhealthy, yes, but I just don't do it. I also get extremely uncomfortable around conflict and emotional situations and more often than not I hightail out of there as fast as I can. If I don't absolutely have to, I won't involve myself in drama. It doesn't matter who it is, even if it is a close friend. That looks like a pretty douche move but I can't deal with stuff like that. I have trouble sympathizing/empathizing with people too, and I look pretty stupid when people come to me spilling some sad story. "MY DOG JUST DIED :( :( :(" "...I'm... sorry...?" Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't care, it's just that I don't know how to deal with you. You're better off just knowing and taking for granted than I care than actual verbal confirmation from me.
But, there is a plus side to this. Since I definitely try not to let emotions get in the way of stuff, I can look at things from a logical and objective standpoint. I can step back and see what is going on, and as long as I know both sides of a conflict I can come to a conclusion/compromise of some sort. I may not do it directly, but if I see that a friend has made a fault in some sort of way I would let them know. Luckily, this goes hand in hand with my strong sense of justice, so I can say "I AM DISAPPOINT, SON" to the proper people. I'd say punish but I don't exactly have that power. But because of that I can rationalize an argument for almost anything, even things that seem morally wrong or conflict with what I believe in. It's scary to think about, sometimes. :|a
And... there is a side effect to all of this. You could say "emotionally repressed," or whatever fancy language you speak, but it has its problems too. While I find myself unable to express myself in any other way, anything I can express all comes squeezed out in the exact same way: in anger. Yes, I have a terrible temper. Don't let the small size of this paragraph fool you. It makes up a huge part of my personality. The smallest thing could send me off on a murdering rampage. I kid you not. Things as stupid as "GOD I HATE HOW EVERYONE IS BLONDE HERE IT'S AN EYESORE I WANT TO GOUGE MY EYES AND PULL EVERYONE'S HAIR OUT". ...:| I'll curse a lot, threaten to kick in the nether regions, and so on. But just as quickly as it comes, it goes away and all is forgiven. Yes, I know it's weird.
And finally (I know you're like "ugh finally just shut up") I am a bit self-centered, and kind of selfish. It's usually played for laughs and definitely not as much of an attention whore as I used to be, but I do like attention and having my ego stroked. Yes, go ahead and tell me how awesome I am I won't mind |D I also get bored pretty easily. It's not ADD; I'll focus on things for extended periods of time and not say anything about it but I just get kind of... WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS I WANT TO BE OVER THERE ROLLING IN THE GRASS. Then when I'm done rolling in the grass I'm going to want to play video games. Then I'll get bored of that and I'll move onto something else, and so on. This applies to everything, not just activities. I get bored of people--if I hang out with certain people too much then I'll either want to find someone else to hang out with or I'll just be alone for a while. I don't hate, I just need some room. I get bored of places too, but that takes much longer. When I get bored of places I get fidgety and antsy and ultimately slightly depressed, because I just want to leave. And once I've been away for at least a week or so, I WILL FEEL REFRESHED. Simple as that. I just need change in my life, and 'sall good.
List 3 good things about you: good sense of humor, good sense of clothing style, polite
List 3 bad things about you: Indifferent, bad temper, kind of selfish
List 3 funny things about you? I can pretty much sleep anywhere at anytime, and when I don't get my sleep I am hilarious, I say stupid things
What do you really admire or respect in a person?: Shing. Wait, I can't just say that can I. Then let me paste: Someone who is honest with themselves and others, openly admits their faults and shortcomings but isn't an ass about it, accepting and friendly to everyone and doesn't judge or disrespect, even if they don't agree with a certain thing. Also someone who is funny and kind.
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: Someone who is self-righteous, highly opinionated and won't even bother to listen to what others think, or the other side of the argument/issue. Narrow-mindedness. Like I said, tunnel vision. errgehghe Just thinking about it is making me mad. xD;I would think, a rather quirky girl who looks like she didn't get enough sleep the night before.
How do you think others see you?: I would think, a rather quirky girl who looks like she didn't get enough sleep the night before.
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?:I'd like to say mature, for the most part. But I'll act immature on purpose, like when I whine to annoy people. Hehehe
Leader or Follower?: You know to be honest, I'm having trouble thinking of any instance where I just did what I was told, or where I didn't eventually take the lead. So I will have to say leader.
Outgoing or Shy?: Not shy, but not outgoing either. I'm not the person making friends with everyone in the class, but I'm not the kid sitting in the back trying to hide in the corner. Somewhere in between, definitely.
Confident or Modest?: I'm confident when it comes to things that I know I can do/am good at, but when it comes to admitting it verbally, I'll be pretty modest about it. "I do play violin, but..."
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Realist. I'll know that nothing can stay happy and good forever, but I also know that nothing sucks forever.
Energetic or calm?: Energetic, but not in a hyper manner.
Listener or Speaker?: A bit of both--I have to listen to everything first before I feel that it's appropriate to say something. I don't think it would be a good idea to start spewing nonsense when I haven't heard all sides :|a
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive. I can be indecisive, but that's not being cautious. Like for example, if I was given the choice to spend a week either at the beach with my friends or abroad, I'd immediately decide I WANT TO DO BOTH, but take a while deciding because I really want to go to both, not weighing the pros and cons or whatnot.
Playful or Serious?: Playful, because I like to joke around and I'm pretty playful. HAHA redundant statement is redundant
Tales related
Games you played: Every mothership except Destiny, Destiny 2, and Graces. Play is a keyword here, though, considering the only ones I've finished Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Innocence, and Hearts. As for spinoffs and stuff, I've played Narikiri Dungeon 2, Radiant Mythology and the 2nd one, Fandom 2, and Ratatosk.
Who is your favorite tales mascot: Uhhhh I dunno. Cheagles? :D
What is your favourite gummi and why?: Grape. Because not only does it restore 80% HP it's also purple! That's my favorite color.
What is your favourite accessory and why?: Don't remember the name, but it gives you a 50% chance of INSTACAST. Yeeeees.
What is your favorite hi ougi and why?: Well... I always forget I have hi ougis. Abyss was the only one where I always remembered, and since I always played as Guy I always used Razing Phoenix. So I guess that will be my answer.
What is your favorite element?: Fire.
What is your favorite summon spirit/sacred beast?: Maxwell.
What is your favourite race in the Tales world?: Krytia. Kritya? They were hilarious. "Yeah we didn't actually fight the Adephagos... we just put ourselves in the picture because it was cool 8Db" Win.
What is your favourite quote from a Tales game?: 『目の前の女の子の笑顔を取り戻せない奴に、世界を救えるはず無いんだッ!!』 "The man who can't return the smile to the girl in front of him has no reason to be able to save the world!!" This one stuck with me, for some reason.
What is your favourite vehicle? (sentient beings like Noishe, Ba'ul and Shaorune count): Leanheit.
Which NPC gives you murder urges? Come on, don't be shy. We won't tell them. Kvar. I want to bite him. And other unmentionable things.
Who is your favourite political figure of the series?: It's probably a tossup between Mohs and Paraiba. yeah I know lolwut
Would you rather be a prince, noble or commoner?: Noble, just as long as I'm not an asshole. 8Db
Make up your Tales battle team! Chose three other characters who will complete you nicely: Hisui, for healing and long range; Rita, for blahblahblah TIDAL WAVE; and Presea, for tank
If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you chose?: Like.... romantically? Oh jeez. :|a Luke is pretty cute. Hisui is nice, too, too much hothead in one place though. Oh I don't know
Your favorite spell: ...Is it bad that I don't have one, because I'm too impatient for casting? xD
Your favorite physical attack: I don't remember the real name, but when Shing uses it it sounds like he's yelling BANANA! BANANA! BANANA! Then there's that move that Iria has called kochikochi hammer. I LIKED THAT ONE.
Weapon of choice: Sword, or my feet.
Melee or magic?: I've either gotta be completely in the fray, or completely out of it as a healer.
Short-range or Long-range?: Short range.
Pictures of yourself? (optional): You shall get none.
How did you get here? Magic.
Anything else you'd like to say?: No sheep please. Tell me why you chose who you did, and not just because Anise is the only character someone else said that you could recognize. ... :|a