First of all, your three votes:
x x x Basics
Name/Alias: Hannah, Gin-Gen, Ginji
Age: 19
Do you want to be stamped as a gender in particular?: Nope, anything goes! n_n
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as:
In depth
Likes: ANYTHING CUTE! Unicorns, rainbows, little kids, cupcakes, smiles, hearts, dresses, bows, ponies~!! ♥ Aside from that, I love books, literature in general, angels, being with people, being outdoors, art, dolls, sweets, strawberries, doggies, birdies, fishies, hiking, tennis, flowers, pretty dresses + undergarments (especially with ribbons, lace and bows), royalty (princes and princesses especially), language, running, happy endings, Disney, video games and lots of other things! :D
Dislikes: Excessive blood and gore, thunder, being sick, discrimination (especially racism and sexism), ants, horror movies and scary stories, cold or rainy weather (when I have to be out in it at least), clutter...
Fears: Thunder, lightning, excessive blood, gore, horror movies and scary stories, knives and other sharp objects.
Goals/Dreams: I want to live life happily and without regret, surrounded by people I love. I don't want to live just for me; I want to be a friend to everyone I meet and always do everything I can to help the people important to me. If I can just do that, then what else I do doesn't matter much to me!
Describe your personality: Generally I'm just a pretty happy person, but I tend to be in one of two moods: either silly and giddy or quiet and contemplative. It kind of depends on the situation! C: I'm always daydreaming and I have an overactive imagination, which often leads to me blurting out things that no one else understands or giggling at something when nothing seems funny. I cherish the little things in life! ♥ I'm super optimistic - I honestly believe that any situation can be a good one if you have the right attitude about it. I'm usually pretty trusting of others and I give people the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, I also tend to be rather gullible and naive - I'll believe just about anything I'm told. I'm usually fairly outgoing and I like chatting and hanging out with people. I also really like to help people! :D I'm pretty clumsy and rather hemophobic. (Even just listening to someone talking about blood makes me uncomfortable!) I'm also fairly sensitive and I cry very easily. But I try my hardest to hide that, because I'm afraid of what people will think. Despite all that, I'm pretty responsible and I always try my best. Oh, and I absolutely love cute stuff!! ♥ :D
List 3 good things about you: I'm extremely loyal to my friends and family, I pretty laid-back and I always look on the bright side of things.
List 3 bad things about you: I often procrastinate until the last minute, I'm too blunt (and thus sometimes come off as rude) and I'm pretty clumsy. (As in I trip over things and stuff, but I also stumble over my words a lot. xD)
List 3 funny things about you: I love to make up nicknames - I've given a nickname to just about every one of my close friends! My face gets really pink when I work out and I blush pretty easily, too. I like to collect cute things like stuffed animals, music boxes, phone charms and a few figurines. (However, I won't buy something just so I can have one more thing for my collection; it has to have some special meaning to me or be one that I really like.)
What do you really admire or respect in a person?: Honesty, loyalty, integrity, character, confidence and trustworthiness. People who are kind, supportive, thoughtful of others, and want to do what's right. People who don't get too caught up in the little things - they're laid-back and can just have a good time.
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: People who look down on others. Manipulative people and liars. Needlessly hurting or taking someone's life. People who won't even consider someone else's opinion. Also, I don't really like it when people are vulgar for no real reason. I mean, sure, it can be funny, but only to a certain extent; I think there's a point where it just becomes offensive.
How do you think others see you?: Well, I think a lot of people think I'm pretty helpless. D: Often people tell me that I'm too naive/optimistic/gullible/eager to help/trusting, and that someone's going to take advantage of that if I don't stand up for myself. (I don't think that's necessarily true, though! :C) People have also described me as cute, happy, silly, funny, clumsy, honest, helpful and loyal. Lots of people tell me that I'm like a little kid. ^^; People don't usually talk to me about my weak points, but I would guess that people think I'm too stern, strict or serious about certain things. Maybe that I'm too blunt, too. And I'm sure there are plenty of people who think I'm just weird! ^^;
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: I can be either, depending on what I think the situation calls for. :D I'm generally a happy and silly person, so I probably lean towards immature, but I'm pretty responsible and I try to present myself diplomatically around people I don't know well.
Leader or Follower?: I don't like to be the leader because I always worry that I won't live up to people's expectations. Though I will lead if I need to, I'm much happier being a follower! But I won't just blindly follow anyone; I follow someone because I think what they're doing is right. If they start doing things that I believe are wrong, I won't hesitate to leave.
Outgoing or Shy?: It depends on the situation. When people come off as rude or cliquey, I get really intimidated and introverted. But overall, I'm a very open, talkative, outgoing person! :D
Confident or Modest?: Confident enough that I don't let people's opinion of me make me feel bad, but modest enough that I realize there's always someone who can do better than me at something. I probably lean towards modest, though, even if I don't show it.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Definitely optimistic! I always look on the bright side of things and give people the benefit of the doubt! I swear, if I was on a plane that was about to crash into a giant mountain and the pilot was unconcious or something, I'd still hope and believe that some miracle would save us all! The only exception is when it comes to wrongs I've done. Like, if I said something that hurt someone's feelings, I tend to worry about it so much that I assume they hate me now. :D;; But for everything else, I'm an optimist!
Energetic or calm?: Depends on what mood you catch me in! I tend to be more energetic and cheerful, but I definitely have my quiet days, too.
Listener or Speaker?: It depends on the situation, how I'm feeling and who I'm with. I can be really chatty sometimes, but I'm also a pretty good listener. :D
Impulsive or Cautious?: Usually very impulsive! I don't stick with one activity very long and I tend to make decisions on a whim. :D Though, when it comes to dealing with people, I'm often pretty cautious. I know how delicate people's feelings can be, so I try to treat people with care and think about how the things I say and do could affect them.
Playful or Serious?: It really goes back and forth a lot. ^^; I'm often very playful and cheerful, but I also have very quiet and introspective moods. It depends on a lot of different things, too, like who I'm with and what the occasion is.
Tales related
Games you've played: Symphonia, Abyss, Dawn of the New World and Vesperia, in that order. C:
Who is your favorite tales mascot: Um, I'm not sure who the Tales mascots are, really, but I'm going to say Mieu!! ♥ Mieu is SO CUTE!! ;3; The way he floats around or stumbles along after the group! His adorable optimism and cheerfulness in any situation! His cute wittle chubby body and all his fluffiness! His loyalty for Luke and the others, even when they're mean to him! AND THAT PRECIOUS, ADORABLE VOICE!! ;3; MIEU IS SOOO CUTE~! ♥
What is your favourite gummi and why?: Lemon gummi, because it heals so much HP. For some reason I find myself always playing a supportive role, even if I'm playing someone like Yuri or Lloyd - I'm always keeping an eye on my teammates' HP and TP. It's comforting to know that if I can't cast fast enough, I could always just toss 'em a lemon gummi!
What is your favourite accessory and why?: Y-Yuri's bunny ears! ;3; ♥ Or Repede's super cute Yuri plushie! ♥ ♥ Okay, okay, I know that's not the kind of accessory you mean. D: The amulet's really handy. That way I don't have to worry about status effects and I can just focus on keeping everyone's HP and TP up. C:
What is your favorite hi ougi and why?: Oh, that's a tough one! Well, I like Guy's Razing Phoenix because it looks really cool, it's quick and it's to the point. I also love Genis' Indignation Judgement, but that's mostly just for nostalgia's sake and because it looks so cool. But I guess my favorite is Ratatosk's Devil's Hellfire with the Ain Soph Aur extension. It's just so flashy and fast and awesome! And that manaical laughter! D8 Even though it's scary, there's so much confidence in it! :U S-So basically I like ones that look/sound cool! xD
What is your favorite element?: Oh, I don't know...I guess I like most of the lightning spells.
What is your favorite summon spirit/sacred beast?: Sylph, I guess. In every game, Sylph looks really cute and has a fun design. C:
What is your favourite race in the Tales world?: Definitely the half-elves. (Though I might be biased since Symphonia was my first Tales game.) Not because they're in any way superior to the other races, but because I sympathize with them so much for their plight. They were born out of the love of two people! It shouldn't matter if those two people were of the same race or not. Why on earth would anyone judge or condemn someone for something like that? I simply cannot fathom why! Yes, some half-elves are evil, but so are some humans, dwarves, elves, krityans, replicas, etc. You cannot judge an entire people based on what a few men are like. It just makes me so sad...
What is your favourite quote from a Tales game?: Oh man, how on earth could I pick just one quote?? There are SO many good ones! :D I could pull out so many brilliant Yuri, Mithos, Karol, Genis, Guy and Lloyd quotes...but let's just settle with "Dwarven Vow #7: Goodness and love will always win!" ^U^!!
What is your favourite vehicle? (sentient beings like Noishe, Ba'ul and Shaorune count): NOISHE! He's a big, fluffy, green doggy!! :D What's not to love?
Which NPC gives you murder urges? Come on, don't be shy. We won't tell them. Um...probably Van more than anyone else. He befriends a sweet, naive little boy just so he can use him like some sort of tool. It makes me so mad when I think of how he meant everything to that boy - was probably the only one he really trusted - and he just threw all of that away. Seriously, the kid's only like 7 years old...what kind of monster are you!? >:C And now talking about it's making me mad, boooo~!
Who is your favourite political figure of the series?: Hmm...well I really love Natalia and Ioder, but I'm going to have to say Ion. He's sweet, caring, generous, sincere, gentle, brave and loyal. I support everything that he had decided to do during the game. He's amazing~ ;3;
Would you rather be a prince, noble or commoner?: Well, I don't think I want to be a noble because they tend to be prideful and stuck-up. And I don't really want to be royalty, because then my whole life would be planned out for me and I'd have so many responsibilites; I don't think I'm fit for that kind of life. I want to be free to explore wherever and whatever I want to. Free to follow my own path without having to worry about others' expectations. So I guess being a commoner would be best for me, even though I wouldn't exactly be living in the lap of luxury.
Make up your Tales battle team! Choose three other characters who will complete you nicely: Oh, how fun! :D Okay, I'd pick Guy, because I know I'd be able to depend on him! Think about all the times when Luke or someone else was in trouble and then - bam! - Guy suddenly appears and saves the day! 8D YAY~! He's super fast, so he'd be all over the battlefield, and he's really strong, too! And he's really friendly, caring, protective and noble! :D!! I'd feel so safe with him around! ♥ For the second character I'd pick Marta! ♥ I love her fighting style - she can really dish out some damage! She can also cast spells or heal if we need her to. And isn't she just so cute and happy and fun? Cx She'd add a wonderful energy to the group. :D And um...I can't pick between Karol and Genis for the third one! D: (Seriously, I've been thinking about this for like 20 minutes. xD) They both know quite a bit about monsters and their weaknesses and such, they're both really, really strong, and they're both SUPER CUTE! ;3; You know what? I'm going to pick both of them! Some battles are good for casters and some need more frontline fighters, so we'd just switch them out for each other depending on our strategy! C: YAY COMPROMISE!
If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you chose?: Oh God, I'd pick Guy without a doubt. For one thing, I really like a guy who can make me feel safe and protected. Guy's strong and fast, so he'd be able to protect me from physical harm, but he's also gentle, compassionate and a good listener, so he'd be there to talk to when I needed him. As we see several times in his relationships with Natalia, Luke, and even Tear, he can tell when something's bothering someone, he always knows what to say, and he's extremely loyal and dependable. ♥ All huge turn-ons for me. He also knows how to joke around and have fun, which I think is absolutely crucial! :D And let's face it, Guy's just hot. ♥ Of course it might be difficult sometimes because of his gynophobia, but that's okay with me; he can move along at his own pace; I don't need physical contact to feel loved, even if it would be nice. I'd also like to see more of who he really is. What I mean is that he has a tendency to serve and obey others without complaint, which isn't necessarily a bad thing...but I'd like to form a relationship where he feels comfortable and can be open and honest; where he knows that he doesn't have to use formalities if he doesn't want to and it would be completely fine. It's okay to show some emotion sometimes, Guy! (A-Anyways, now I'm rambling...8D)
Your favorite spell: I love Meteor Storm because it doesn't have an elemental attribute - you can use it on any monster and they won't be resistant to it! :D
Your favorite physical attack: Estelle's March Waltz! It makes a cute little song when she uses it! :D That, or Yuri's Ghost Wolf. Oh, or Karol's Reaper Knock! YAY BASEBALL! (Can you tell that I'm really bad at picking favorites? :X I can see the good in all of them!)
Weapon of choice: A GIANT LOLLIPOP!! ♥
Melee or magic?: Either way is fine. I just want to help out in any way that I can!
Short-range or Long-range?: dsgiuhuihsg. D: I don't think I could fight close-range. For one thing, I'm really clumsy so I'd probably just get in the way. But also, seeing the face of the person I'm supposed to kill would be far too difficult - I would lose the will to fight right away. I don't really want to have to kill anyone...but I want to do everything I can to make sure that the people I care about don't get hurt, so I have to do something. So...long-range.
Pictures of yourself? (optional): Pass! :U
How did you get here?
littlelinor directed me here! C:
Anything else you'd like to say?: LOL LOOK AT ME, I WROTE A FREAKING NOVEL! \(o3o)/