First of all, your five votes:
♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ but I've voted on everything...
Name/Alias: TJ/Zel
Age: 5763683678568578693763987568587.95
Character you were stamped as:
Sync who was matched with
Arietta who looks like
Judas and is apparently a
Game you would like to be stamped from: Vesperia and Destiny/Destiny2 plz
In depth
Likes: geology, volcanology, Tales games, drawing, writing fiction, my alone time, hiking, camping, canoeing, exploring, dirt roads in the mountains and the desert, off-roading, 4wd vehicles and ATVs, history, archaeology, 0% humidity, rockhounding, traveling, eating healthy, rally racing, the far north, character/personality analysis, psychology
Dislikes: SOCIETY, governments that do too much, life, the 9 months of winter we get here, mornings, schedules, time, school, most teachers, most of my peers, busywork homework, classes that "teach" me things I don't need, when people are better than me at things, nosy people who can't seem to get out of my business, politics, politicians, humidity, olives, tomatoes, wannabe Japanese people, hyperactive fangirls, losing, failing to do something, rejection, neglect, my depression, loneliness, hospitals, doctors, heart problems that prevent me from having any fun, comedies that are longer than 5 minutes, furries, nuclear power, sea lions, flies, growing up, being nagged by people because I'm the only one of my cousins who isn't dating e_e, songs that completely change how they sound halfway through, people who think they're so smart because they are a perfect student in school, being told what to do and how to think, the east coast of the US, Bob Dylan
Fears: I don't fear much. My main fear is for my life to end up being meaningless, but it probably will be meaningless no matter what anyway. I also fear failing ((even more than I already have)) at life
Goals/Dreams: I want to be a volcanologist and a novelist and I've been working my ass off to reach those goals. I've had them since elementary school and even when I get pushed back, I am too fucking stubborn to give up completely. Both love it and hate it :/
Describe your personality: very moody, loner, aggressive, mind-over-matter for physical things, high pain tolerance, "masked" personality where I pretend to be one thing on the surface but I think/feel something different under the surface ((usually to hide my depression/pain/weaknesses because I hate showing those things to people 'cause all I do is yell and rant when I do show them)), I hold grudges for a long time ((forever and there is no "forgive and forget")), not impressed with authority, I'm intimidating despite my small size, extremely stubborn ((don't expect to change my opinion once I already decided something)), manipulative, reckless, skilled, strategic, wrestles with meaninglessness of existence, observant, rebellious ((if I don't like how things are then I want to fight back and not just "go with the flow")), antisocial, outsider, far prefers the outdoors to the indoors, not a morning person, insomniac, independent-minded but wouldn't live long on my own, hot-headed at times with an attitude, no filter between my brain and my mouth when it comes to words, strives for improvement, sometimes strangely self-contradictory. People who know me tell me I'm really intelligent ((but I think I'm stupid because I get depressed over dumb things, like being alone and failing to do things right)). My rational/level-headed/confident self is different from my irrational/depressive/defeatist self. The latter is such a pathetic existence ugh xP My self-esteem varies but it's usually pretty low.
List 3 good things about you: calculating/observant, has plentiful skills/abilities, goal-oriented ((when I'm not being a self-defeatist/hater))
List 3 bad things about you: depressive to the point of being crippling so I often don't see the light at the end of the tunnel ((I am easily depressed when it comes to my fear of having a worthless, meaningless life)), I push myself so hard physically that I don't always think of my own well-being ((I'm reckless)), can flip from level-headed to hot-headed on the flip of a coin when my buttons get pressed ((I have anger issues))
List 3 funny things about you? I'm not funny
What do you really admire or respect in a person?: there are very, very few people I respect or admire. I respect those who don't try and confine me and who will let me do what I want to do and are honestly willing to work with me ((despite being a loner, I'm actually NOT a bad teammate/ally, if you have my respect)). Respect is earned and not given. I need a reason to respect someone or they're just some random person who means nothing to me. As for admire... hmm... I can't think of anything. Admiration is just sucking up anyways...
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: I don't even know where to start... there's too much that can go here.
How do you think others see you?: ugh, some emo brat with no friends who always seems to be struggling with SOMETHING in the world...
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: mature in the sense I know what's going on but immature in the way that I have selfish antics and rarely/never do things for other people. Even if what I'm doing SEEMS polite/nice, there is some ulterior selfish motive going on.
Leader or Follower?: I'm not a very good follower and I have no desires to lead anyone because I'm a loner. I'll do either to get what I want but giving orders isn't my natural state of being and neither is taking orders...
Outgoing or Shy?: er... neither? I don't consider myself outgoing or shy. I'll talk when I need to and have something to say, and I'm never afraid to say it ((though sometimes I'll get carried away when ranting)). When I'm quiet around people, it's more like I just don't have shit to tell anyone rather than it having anything to do with "shyness".
Confident or Modest?: depends on my mood
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: pessimism and realism is the same thing, so those. im RARELY, if ever, optimistic
Energetic or calm?: neither again? or both? I think it depends on the situation... but I'm probably balanced
Listener or Speaker?: I'll speak if it's necessary and I'll listen if it's necessary
Impulsive or Cautious?: cautious most of the time, but impulsive if something hit a nerve and I'm acting on emotions. I lose my nerve sometimes :P
Playful or Serious?: serious
Tales related
Make up your Tales battle team! Choose three other characters who will complete you nicely: Uhhh I usually like having two up-front characters and two ranged characters. I play as up-front characters, usually, so I guess my team might be... IDK can't think right now xP I just like it balanced so the front isn't too crowded but there is still enough up-front characters to make sure the ranged characters don't get killed while casting or whatever.
If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you chose?: I'm not romantically interested in anyone. Fictional character or not ;P I do matchmaker themes for the lulz and because I was bored
Your favorite spell: thunderblade, gravity well, tempest, stop flow, eruption
Your favorite physical attack: anything Karol does... reaper knock, hammer flow upper, destruction street, destructo pain shot...
Weapon of choice: nothing heavy 'cause I'm not a big person xP
Melee or magic?: melee, but some magic is good because I'd rather be ready for anything if I need it.
Short-range or Long-range?: preferably short-range
Pictures of yourself? (optional): no
How did you get here? I traveled through time to defeat Dhaos and ended up here instead.
Anything else you'd like to say?: I'm barely awake so I'll come back and edit little parts of this later if stuff doesn't make any sense.