First of all, your two votes:
♔ ♔ And also this one and a bunch of others, and will get around to the ones I haven't been able to decide on a vote for yet: Basics
Name/Alias: I think it's fair if you just call me Fuji, since I share a RL name with a Tales character.
Age: Twenty.
Do you want to be stamped as a gender in particular?: I'd strongly prefer male votes, unless there is Only One Character who really works and that character is female.
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: No and no.
In depth
Likes: Media studies, figuring things out, creating lots of characters but never finishing their stories, nature and being outside, stripes and plaids, and teaching myself LANGUAGES. <3
Dislikes: Gratuitous abuse of the colour pink, hubris, brown-nosers, making long-term plans, people who encroach on my freedom or rights, big sweeping generalisations.
Fears: Being forgotten/worthless/unwanted/looked over, being a coward, not being able to choose my own fate,deep water.
Goals/Dreams: Ashauidh. Closest I can get is to figure out how to have goals again, since it's been so long since I let myself do so. ._. I've been too busy keeping things from going to hell around me.
Describe your personality:
I'm smart, curious, and open-minded. I can be playful, with a dry sense of humour. I try to be fair and kind to everyone, and I'm protective of the people I care about. I'm always trying to improve myself and understand the world. I'm stubborn. I've been called "whimsical" enough where I think it should go on here, and "pure-hearted" as well, although that one confuses me a little. But I'm indecisive because I can see the good in everything, I'm overly-critical and analytical, and focus on my own faults. I can't accept compliments and am self-reliant to a fault. I am the antithesis of "direct" when it comes to anything concerning actual emotion. Shy, self-doubting, and the more I tease you, the more I like you. I'm kinda shy and awkward at first, and unwilling to make the first move in getting to know people if I'm not 100% sure that I won't be rejected, but after that I'm fine with making advances. I'm a cynical optimist, put my own needs behind those of people I care about, and easily fascinated by any shiny random idea (I also really like to talk about ideas and such).
List 3 good things about you:
+ I can see something good in anyone and love them as they are for it.
+ I'm good at not letting my problems affect other people.
+ I'm curious AND stubborn AND have a good ability to memorise things.
List 3 bad things about you:
- I'm indecisive. I fail so hardcore at standing up for myself.
- I'm shy, hard to get to know, and a little untrusting when I'm first getting to know people.
- I'm resistant to changing my ways, even when I know I should.
List 3 funny things about you?
~ I AM SO STUPIDLY TSUNDERE ORZ. Especially around cute girls.
~ Yeah. Girls. My weakness. @.@; When I like someone, I try to seem helpful and nice, and even though I know it's stupid I put on a show of being tough and not needing help, even though I'm awkward and often blushing and other people usually figure out that I like them before I figure out that I like them. *fails*
~ My mind lives in the gutter, but sometimes it's so far down there that obvious things go flying right over it.
What do you really admire or respect in a person?: I respect people who live as they truly are, and who aren't afraid of being judged for it. Hi, guess what I DON'T do myself.
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: People who abuse those weaker than them, or who take advantage of people who trust them.
How do you think others see you?: People in general see me as quiet, awkward, smart but kind of blunt, a bit naive, stuck-up, apathetic or uninterested in people, and too shy for my own good. My friends see me as (these are all quotes from them) internally strong, shy, smart, artistic, quiet, awkward, sweet, and "pure-hearted" (wtf this is the thing I have been called the most times).
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: Definitely both. I try to be more mature than I am, but that makes my immaturity more obvious at times.
Leader or Follower?: Follower, but only if I like the leader. If I don't, then I'm a devoted loner.
Outgoing or Shy?: Shy. Shy to the point of stupidity. I tend to cling to the few people I get close to, because I'm used to people not wanting to get close to me. ._. Gah that sounds so emo, but it's true.
Confident or Modest?: Fairly modest, though at the same time, I think too highly of myself and expect too much of myself.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: I put up a front of cynical pessimism to mask the fact that I'm a horribly hopeless romantic who wishes for (but doesn't expect) the best.
Energetic or calm?: Mostly calmish with occasional moments of hyper when geeking out over things.
Listener or Speaker?: Listener. If I speak to you unprompted (and not just to fill an awkward silence and/or snark at you if you're annoying me), I probably actually care about you.
Impulsive or Cautious?: I like to call myself cautious, but that's only for situations where I think I have something to lose (at which point, I'm cautious-to-a-fault). I'm whimsical most of the time, and have little concept of thinking ahead.
Playful or Serious?: Serious overall, but if I get to like you, I can be playful (in a slightly teasing way).
Tales related
Games you played: Symphonia, Legendia, Abyss, Vesperia, bits here and there of most other games without actually finishing them because I borrow them from people who graduated orz.
Who is your favorite tales mascot: ... I tend not to like the mascots, tbh.
What is your favourite gummi and why?: Lemon, because it's useful and I like lemon-flavoured things.
What is your favourite accessory and why?: Anything that gives elemental resistances that stack with armour.
What is your favorite hi ougi and why?: Fairy Circle (PS2 ToS). Because it's the one I end up using the most. *shrug*
What is your favorite element?: Ice.
What is your favorite summon spirit/sacred beast?: Celsius. (In part because I think she's cute derp.)
What is your favourite race in the Tales world?: ... no.
What is your favourite quote from a Tales game?: "What is this OMINOUS LIGHT that THREATENS to ENGULF us??"
What is your favourite vehicle? (sentient beings like Noishe, Ba'ul and Shaorune count): Ba'ul.
Which NPC gives you murder urges? Come on, don't be shy. We won't tell them. None of the NPCs. A couple of PCs, though.... =A=
Who is your favourite political figure of the series?: Shirley or Dorr.
Would you rather be a prince, noble or commoner?: Commoners get treated like crap, and I'd make a lousy prince. Noble.
Make up your Tales battle team! Chose three other characters who will complete you nicely: Hmm. I'd definitely have to be a distance fighter or a mage of some kind hi I failed gym class forever, so I want a healer, at least one melee fighter, and whatever else to balance me out. I like Raine best as a healer and look up to her kinda a lot since I got into the series at fifteen, so I'd fight harder to impress her =A=, Chloe for a fighter and because I think she's cool and look up to her too, and then I think Karol or Presea would balance out the team well because we need a tank.
If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you chose?: Uh... ... ... Sheena is nice. But if it's just supposed to be about looks, then I won't really be able to get myself to care about anyone.
Your favorite spell: ... Fire Ball. I spam it like burning in every game I can. ^^; And realised the pun after I finished the sentence.
Your favorite physical attack: Power Seal.
Weapon of choice: A deck of cards with different magic effects. Not like Sheena's, like "draw a card and a different effect/spell happens." Digi-modify! 8D
Melee or magic?: Magic. I HAVE THE STRENGTH OF A TULIP.
Short-range or Long-range?: Long range.
Pictures of yourself? (optional): I opt out. :P
How did you get here? From the ToG community and littlelinor's journal.
Anything else you'd like to say?: Nah. Go for it.