Title: Sluggy's Christmas Party
Challenge: whether
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans
Words: 100
House: Gryffindor
Author's Note: Inspired by the Japanese Maple out my window. And James's attire is inspired by seviet's drawing:
The Potter's Wedding.
Written for and cross-posted to
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Comments 4
He was quite poetic there, too, comparing Lily's hair to a maple leaf. Lovely, :).
It's terribly hard to even notice James in his cravat with Sirius standing alongside him though, isn't it? The only thing for it, I think, is for Sirius to take his off.
Thanks for stopping in on my 100. <3 I'm terribly bad at keeping my fanfiction in one consolidated place, so I'm attempting to do that here. And Lily would be flattered that you of all people noticed her hair...
Lovely snippet. James in a cravat - and Sirius without one. *snorts*. You will have to write more about that please! Poor Sluggy when people don't quite match his expectations, though I am sure he'd welcome Quidditch Star James
I have been meaning to sort out something for my fics and odd snippets. LJ would be the best I suppose. Must put thinking cap on ...
When Harry meets Slughorn for the first time, Slughorn refers to James only tersely with his comment, "You look very much like your father, you know." That got my brain musing.
I do like having a little archive here. I support your doing the same! I'd probably stop in myself to check out a few old faves.
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