Talk2DJ's LJ stalker is blueyedkk!blueyedkk is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also deluded!
I broke and dislocated my pinky during road rage. I was trying 2 catch a football backwords and BAM! I could still race at speedzone but i couldn'y do broomball. Iwanted 2 sooooo bad.
I'm back from vacation. It was soooo hectic! Driving 9 hours 2 my grandma's house with all my brothers, waking up at 4 am 2 go fishing! It was just hectic.
Tommorow is my last day of school! The part that sux is that I have finals, on the last day! The n I go on a 13 hour drive with my family 2 my grandmas house. I'm gonna die!
I'm so bummed out. Summer school is gonna start soon, and I hate, I repeat hate Ms. Jones!!! But hey, I'll be with most of my buds next year in algebra. Except for Kimmy. Since shes taking algebra over the summer.