Fics and Art Recs

Aug 20, 2009 12:53

I think I spend all my free time reading bigbang fics and I haven't gone through half of them yet. Anyway here's my rec of my favs (so far) this year.

Ashes of the Moon by corbyinoz, NC17 for violence

Summary: Jared Padalecki, an inexperienced and uncertain young man, is sent to Kibilisa, Africa, to work for his church. Less than a month later the country is torn apart by civil war. Alone in charge of a group of children, he despairs of surviving - until he meets a mysterious man named Jensen Ackles who seems to know the country and the language. Their journey together will bring them terror, pain, horror and the deepest grief; but also friendship, self-sacrifice, love and redemption.

This fic is my most favorite fic from bigbang so far and definitely one of my fav from the entire fandom. It's amazing and real, brutal but yet beautiful that left me speechless and satisfy when it ends.

If You're Out There by magicletters, NC-17

summary: How do you fight back when you can't seem to find your voice? Jensen is doing his best to get by in an abusive household while protecting his younger sister, but as the bruises continue to grow deeper he doesn’t know how much more he can take. Jared is doing his best to hold them all together, until Jensen takes matters into his own hands. Suddenly thrust upon unexpected journeys, Jared and Jensen will both have to walk alone in order to discover themselves and a way back. [ Warnings for drug use, child abuse, dub con, self-harm ]

I love magicletters's work. Her fics are like poetry. It's angsty but the ending is as sweet as it can be. And don't forget to check out the arts too. They're perfect

Three Grams by frostian, R for language and violence

Summary: Jared Padalecki’s closest friend is Jensen, a hybrid doll he rescued as a child. As they grow up, Jensen takes on the role of tutor and mentor, preparing Jared for the arduous task of entering a prestigious tech in order to continue his father’s tremendous legacy. But the greatest lesson is one that can only be learned, not taught, as Jared realizes that just because a creature isn't made of flesh and blood does not mean it can't have a soul.

frostian is one of my fav writer. And Three Grams is a wonderful read as I expected it to be. I rarely read sci-fi but because of the writer I jumped in as soon as it was posted. It started with a little slow pace and spend a bit of time to explain the situation and the background. But after that it flows quite nicely. You can't help to fall in love with young Jared and Jensen-the doll. And more importantly the make-up world that the writer has created.

And because I love all of frostian's works and I always think they're under appreciated. So I need to rec you others of the writer's works too.

The Unsayable Sums, R for violence

Summary: Jared Padalecki has finally realized the American Dream. Fame, fortune, and adoration are at his fingertips: all he has to do is deny who he is. It isn't long before his deception catch up to him, and in one night he, his friends, and complete strangers will pay a bloody price for his choices, and not everyone will survive.

Can you say Tarantino's? Because this one is definitely on the same league. Think "Pulp Fiction" when some random events lead to same conclusion. It's witty and smart and almost Gen when it comes to J2.

In the Company of Wolves, R for violence and language

Summary: The hemorrhagic fever has been discovered in Western Washington. The team assigned to stopping this virulent disease discovers not only was the plague deliberately introduced to the human population, but it may have been the government that began the tragedy.

Let say that you don't have to be in the fandom or a J2 fan to enjoy this fic. When I first heard about the swine flu outbreak I thought of this fic. It's fast pace, well researched and exciting. This fic fulls of action without a single bullet fired. You can't help but keep reading to see how it ends.

And finally how about an arts rec. check this one out and tell me you don't fall in love with wee!Dean.



j2, supernatural, recs

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