When; May 14, around 9:00pm EST
Rating; G to R?!
Characters; everyone
Summary; What happens after the sheep round up in The Square? Find out below the cut!
Lina cracks many a hearty riding crop.
Sabine wields a sweet and sensuous scythe.
Bertol bashes with rock hard bones.
Laszlo herds with hellish hounds at the sound of a whistle.
And Mouse controls an unbreakable electrical fence.
Tonight this is the scene the City's Deities stage for their wonderful citizenry in The Square. Sheep--WANTED WANTED WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE--are forced into an electrically fenced pen around the Carousel. Why yes, that means the Carousel is inside the enclosure too! Citizens are not allowed to cross the fence, don't even touch it or get ready for a terrible ZAP, but they're more than welcome to watch the show as the Deities suffer no fools while piling sheep brought to them in the center. What about the
creepy sheepy masked villainess? Recognize her mask hanging from the top of the Carousel? Oh yes, she's being "taken care of"...
Now what does this amount to? Well well well! At nine o'clock the Deities tell their darling citizens to stand back, step away from the fence, and have some popcorn with your...well, whatever. If no one's ever seen the Carousel in pieces tonight is the night to be in The Square. On the dot the Carousel parts into twelve even slices, gears a'plenty, separating from the center to reveal a black abyss, otherwise known as a sink hole, underneath. And from the unseen darkest bottom of the pit echoes a mother's call. Predictably, the sheep--WANTED WANTED WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE--throw themselves over the edge to be with their Shepherdess. The dead ones get a free toss into the hole courtesy of the City's
Sanitation Department. Once the pen has been emptied into the pit the Carousel slices comes back together again, sealing the hole as if nothing had ever ever been there...except for evidence of blood stains of course.
Wait! There's more! Not but one minute after sealing the hole shut, the entire City begins to quake, rattling books off the shelves, plates off the tables, and some Citizens off their feet.
The Mountain erupts, blasting something into the air. From the ground or sea level it looks a lot like snowflakes, doesn't it? Hopefully Citizens allergic to tiny bits of wool stay indoors. The Mountain coughs up all the wool within seconds before settling again, leaving the City with a nice woolly layer of "snowfall"...
[ooc: This is a log for anyone who wants to play out meeting other characters in The Square while bringing their sheep to the pen or just watching or even talking to a Deity! Label threads accordingly (open, to [name here], before 9pm, after 9pm etc.) and have fun! As mentioned in the
plot post, characters that were infected or killed by the sheep will be cured/alive again on May 15. You are more than welcome to have them wake up in a cursed state in order to bridge this plot with Grab Bag Weekend. Rabid sheep not brought to The Square will fall dead wherever they are as soon as the sink hole closes.]