The Shepherdess Plot
My how the rain washes away cake, leaving fertile fields in its wake!
Walk around the woods, feel the damp green grass between your toes, and gaze upon the stalks that have appeared in the City's wild. These plants will be sprouting from the ground (seedling-->sprout-->lamb-->sheep stages) at 12:01am May 10, Monday. Most will be full grown sheep by sunrise and the animals can be cut down from their stalks at either stage without any pain to them or they can pull themselves off easily. What's left of the stalk can be plucked from the abyss of their wool but once the sheep has "blossomed" the plant won't be able to bear sheep again. Only one sheep per plant!
Now aren't they cute, baa'ing around like a cottony flock of flocking cottoniness? What a shame
this is how the sheep are by day and
this is how the sheep are by night. Repeat, the sheep appear docile but their are inherently vicious killers. These are not
the lambs the Citizens sacrificed; those sheep are ~dead~ These sheep are smarter, more savage, and they will appear darling until you turn your back. But really, once the City catches on that the sheep are behind wanton violence and senseless slaughter, well they'll have nothing to hide will they? An all out attack on the City begins at nightfall May 11, Tuesday!
What can Citizens do to defend themselves? Learn how to use a gun, axe, spear, gosh there are so many ways to take down sheep. Rabid sheep are another story maybe, considering they're as strong as bulls and they will bite, so Citizens will have to get creative. But as smart sheep are, they can and will recognize those who chose not to sacrifice their lamb brothers and lamb sisters, returning the favor by not attacking such Citizens. Most of the time anyway. As for the Deities' response? The City'll just have to wait and see for that.
May 10 (daytime): lamb plants sprout from the ground, sheep roam the City
May 10 (nighttime): the sheep covertly show their true vicious colors
May 11 (nighttime): the sheep attack the City en masse
May 14 (nighttime):
sheep are thrown into a sinkhole, the mountain explodes SHEEP SUMMARY
They are strong.
They are fast.
They are mean.
They want to eat your character
They will spare your character if your character refused to sacrifice a lamb from
the Plague Plot. They don't have to spare your character if you don't want them to of course.
- untreated sheep bites will result in characters acting as rabid as the sheep within 12 hours, infected characters will be extremely aggressive and want the flesh of other characters, sheep do not attack infected characters, characters cannot infect other characters
- a rabies treatment administered within 12 hours after bite exposure will completely prevent infection, treatment given after 12 hours from bite exposure will not work and the character will become infected
- this plot has a
Death Exemption, characters whose death results from sheep shenanigans come back to life anytime on May 15, infected characters also return to normal anytime on May 15
That concludes the rundown on the Shepherdess plot for now. Look on the bright side, at least the sheep can't open doors...or can they?
A log for anyone who wants to play out herding sheep into The Square!