Ohhhh myyyy the Kraus Center at school is depressing! All the flourescent lighting I guess. It is nice for a while but after, oh, 15 minutes you begin to drift... concentration becomes difficult... your head starts to spin... spelling goes to shit, as does grammar... hrrmph. Don't get me wrong I think this place is great but it's just something
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Ugh god i am getting so sick of these Music worksheets already. It's basically the same 4 questions for each chapter. I can't wait til it's over, I'm so annoyed with them right now. Bah. Humbug
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Yay for actually getting work done. I am sitting here working on worksheets for my "Music 8" class. Not that hard at all once i get down to it. I had been being lazy. Though I have done numerous (6) quizzes and read 7 chapters. I just hadn't been doing the writing. But now I am trying to get the course done before going to Thailand (I almost typed
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I am eating way too many orange-flavored cranberries. Yes, orange-flavored cranberries. It's not a strange as you may think. I think I just polished off half a bag... and I plan to keep going...
Eee, Tamsin is nervous. Tamsin just made an appointment for her first ever pelvic exam.... Aiieeeeeee! Heeeellp.... *nervous nervous nervous* I hope I'm not this nervous about it by the time I get there... But it's next week, so, I think I should be able to calm down by then.... *hoping
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how awful that i have to be doing math when i am on my moon time... menstruating... i want to be creating... drawing, writing... thinking... contemplating life and the shadows within me... spending time curled up in bed... reading poems... staring up at the cloudy sky... going for long walks by myself... spending time on a swing... being thoroughly
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