Back to school, back to schoool...... Chaw.... SOOOOOOOOOO Tired.

Sep 05, 2005 23:47

Got a speeding ticket............ $235... FUCK

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1) Have you ever dated nightmare_scar? No
2) Do you have a crush on sadisticnight? No
3) Is lefty2k3 dead sexy? Id have to say the shakira dance hot
4) Does sadisticnight drink? yes
5) What is gidget1215's favorite movie? Holiday Inn
6) If lefty2k3 took over the world, who would be happy? Me!!
7) Is lefty2k3 related to you? He's my non-related brother
8) How tall is ifyouonlyknew77? ummm 5'2?
9) What would you do if you found out lefty2k3 has a crush on you? dunno
10) Is lefty2k3 related to the_imbecility? No
11) What mental disorder does gidget1215 remind you of? is there like a hypergigglemaniac disorder?
12) What is lightningsiren's favorite band/artist? Urm.... .....
13) Is the_imbecility single? Dunno
14) One thing you can't stand about sadisticnight? He gets in my way when I am angry!!!!!!!!!
15) Which of your friends should brandknewme go out with? Kevin C
16) What planet should beechyart be from? Pluto!!
17) Is the_imbecility introverted or extroverted? urmm.... in
18) Is lefty2k3 1337? Y35
19) What would you do if nightmare_scar died? Cry...quite a bit. And prolly hate god and religion for a while.
20) Does ifyouonlyknew77 go to your school? used to
21) How long would awaiting_april dating lefty2k3 last? As long as they try to/want to
22) beechyart's hair color? blonde last I saw.
23) What word best describes lefty2k3? horny
24) If lightningsiren and beechyart were spliced together, what would be its name? Keshley
25) If gidget1215 had a superpower, what would it be? Giggle attack
26) What is beechyart allergic to? I dunno
27) When did you last call brandknewme? Today
28) If gidget1215 and ifyouonlyknew77 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Ass... o.O thats a weird one
29) Thoughts on beechyart? Silly
30) Which president would brandknewme be likely to idolize? Kennedy
31) Where was alive_at_last7 born? IL
32) Have you flirted with sadisticnight? Naw
33) Does the_imbecility travel a lot? Not that I know of
34) Has ifyouonlyknew77 been to your house/dorm? house
35) What animal should alive_at_last7 be combined with? her doggy
36) Would the_imbecility and brandknewme make a good couple? Naw
37) How many monkeys could awaiting_april fight at once and win against? 132, the 133rd would drop her.
38) What flavor of jello would lefty2k3 be? Can they make a video game flavor?
39) Is nightmare_scar an emo? Naw, not at all.
40) Would you make out with nightmare_scar? No thank you
41) What is lefty2k3's favorite color? blue?
42) Does ifyouonlyknew77 have a crush on sadisticnight? Do they know each other?
43) What languages does brandknewme speak? English, and sometimes not even that. She does multiple a accents though.
44) If sadisticnight were hanging off a cliff, what would lefty2k3 do? help
45) Is gidget1215 a college student? Yes
46) Do you have alive_at_last7's screenname? Yes
47) What is awaiting_april's biggest flaw? She keeps her feeling to herself. We love you Cryz we are your friends because of that, you can scream, or cry or bitch w/e, and that will never change our friendship. We want to be there for you, and for you to trust us.
48) What song/movie would you recommend to beechyart? "Like you" Bow wow ft. Ciara
49) Does ifyouonlyknew77 do drugs? Not that I know of. Drugs are bad, mmkay.
50) Does the_imbecility have a dog? Nope
51) Do brandknewme and lightningsiren go to the same school? Used to.
52) Is lightningsiren athletic? not too much.... no
53) What video game does sadisticnight remind you of? Halo 2
54) Are lefty2k3 and the_imbecility married? No...
55) Is lightningsiren a high school student? No
56) Where would awaiting_april most like to visit? Im not too sure... GERMANY?!
57) Is beechyart friends with lefty2k3? I think so.
58) What would sadisticnight think of awaiting_april? Im sure he thinks she is cool.
59) Are awaiting_april and brandknewme going out? Yes. Married. But both have love affairs with me, niz and steph.
60) Where was nightmare_scar born? Urmmm IL
61) What rank would brandknewme have in a giant robot army? double agent
62) Would you ever date nightmare_scar? Naw, brother.
63) What animal does the_imbecility remind you of? Cat
64) Is alive_at_last7 in a relationship? Yes.
65) How would awaiting_april kill brandknewme? Urmm....... Wire, and Fire.....
66) What is sadisticnight's shoe size? urm..... 13, I dunno....
67) Would alive_at_last7 and gidget1215 look good together? Naw
68) What would gidget1215 do differently in your shoes? Urm........ I dunno
69) What is nightmare_scar's favorite game? Used to be Halo 2.... Maybe Poker??
70) Do you think lefty2k3 is hot? Chaw
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