I ordered Chinese food cause I was really hungry and needed something to keep me awake...my fortune was "if you continually give, you will continually have."
So Horoscopes are funny things right? Well in one of the newspapers written by a private company that floats around school (BUZZ I think) this was my horoscope...and yes I am directly quoting
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Sail on silver girl, sail on by. Your time has come to shine, All your dreams are on their way. See how they shine, oh and when you need a friend, I'm sailing right behind Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind.
"I am what I am I am my own special creation. So come take a look, Give me the hook or the ovation. It's my world that I want to take a little pride in, My world, and it's not a place I have to hide in.Life's not worth a damn
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I get down on myself a lot...but in person I know I can come off as arrogant. Ya know when I am not having a downswing or being manic, I dont feel like either of those extremes. Its true, I get down on how I look a lot and I dont think that is going to change...however, on the upside...( I do have some good qualities: )
Your results: You are Jean-Luc PicardJean-Luc Picard 60%Deanna Troi 60%An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 60%Data 56%James T. Kirk (Captain) 55%Spock 49%Worf 45%Will Riker 40%Chekov 40%Mr. Sulu 40%Uhura 30%Geordi LaForge 30%Beverly Crusher 30%Leonard McCoy (Bones) 30%Mr. Scott 15%A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive
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We are now in our third week of classes here. I am taking some great classes. All of them have very cool teachers and exciting material. With the exception of Post 1900 Analysis, I think I want to be in all of my classes too. I am also going to be playing Seussical again for Newfield
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