Apr 06, 2009 13:00
- 13:14 @ rodcub Thats the one. The little slut! She beat him up when he was grey, but when he is 'good looking' again, she becomes a ho-bag. #
- 13:16 You nailed me! #
- 16:15 All caught up on Aussie eps of LOST. So what else is there to watch? #
- 20:42 Been putting it off all friggin day, but time fur the ironing. Bugger. #
- 21:41 Oh yeah....forgot the
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Apr 05, 2009 13:00
- 18:18 My house! :) schmap.me/2awzqm #
- 18:31 @ coachbear Well then you better get driving! #
- 09:11 Good morning world. #
- 12:54 Bloody dockers. Playing like girls. And they even have the umpires on their side today. But on the good side, I do have a new fave ad! #
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Apr 04, 2009 13:00
- 13:23 Compliment from a year one? Mr H, you smell nice! Thoughts? #
- 18:44 Does ones Twitter bitches become abbreviated to Twitches? Just athought. A stupid thought, but sensible ones from me are few Nd far between! #
- 20:56 @ rodcub How is anything that happens inGerro exciting? #
- 21:34 @ coachbear I imagine it's a bit disconcerting to have 'Nana'
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Apr 03, 2009 13:00
- 15:49 Stupid after school PD! I want to go home and sit on the couch! Grrrrr. #
- 18:58 @ adamrichard Thst was a horrible shock this morning. Such a talent, gone. So sad. Hear you tomorrow Adam on 94.5! #
- 19:00 @ coachbear Yeah, I've missed the last 10 plus years of Eastenders. I guess that's a whole lot. #
- 19:01 Waiting for TBL to start. OMG, do the
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Apr 02, 2009 13:00
- 13:22 It's abit wrong to giggle when the music teacher says 'fingering', isn't it!??? I am 32 after all. The kids are 6 and they don't giggle. #
- 17:05 Survived the year 2's. Was quite fun! Should be good for rest of year. Woo hoo. But good to be on couch right now. #
- 19:55 @ emandsammac I had a happy smile and a 'I wish I could lose that much weight
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Apr 01, 2009 13:00
- 14:25 Skype on the iPhone = excellent! #
- 08:39 Wish me luck. First day teaching year twos! I am a little scared of 27 6 year olds! Hahahaha. #
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Mar 31, 2009 13:00
- 16:25 I just got flashed....by the woman at coles! Eeeewwwwww. #
- 16:26 Saw boobies. #
- 07:35 @ sammyjay86 wish I coulda been there too, but I start work at 7.30 and it would have been FAR too late fir me. I need those 8 hours a night! #
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Mar 30, 2009 13:00
- 16:01 First game of new season about to start! Carn the Dockers! twitpic.com/2kh5r #
- 17:51 First game = not so good. :( #
- 18:09 The scragger next to me @ the footy keeps coughing and sneezing without covering her mouth. Feral! #
- 06:37 @ coachbear and your fake coffee name was.....? #
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Mar 29, 2009 13:01
- 14:01 @ nova937music does she-ra say "By the power of Grey Skull!", as well? #
- 19:36 @ nova937music I have the power! #
- 23:34 @ Cookie_dav and where exactly are these photos? Are they for personal use or can we all use them? ;) #
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