yeah it's morning/afternoon now. devan and i were going to get the go cart out and ride it but my dad said that he doesn't think that we will get to it today. that sux ass. i don't know where devan is. she is probably in the family room watchin tv since i took her spot. man, i really, really want to drive my go cart around
CeLl PhOnE 3 shirts 1 jacket 2 scarfs 1 skirt 1 hat 2 decorations for my room (i'm redoing it red) slippers bath & body works stuff a calander gift card for any where 2 purses straightener makeup
it was pretty awesome cause the classes were only 30 min. long. then we got to practice our sweet cheer- I I !!!! - ((lol)) for like an hour or less. next was powerhouse and it was fun cause marisa & i were tickling nolen, devan, and jerome the whole time. spirit fingers won! heck yeah!