Title: We Lied For Entire Time Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Inoo Kei (TakaNoo) Type: Oneshot Genre: Romance Disclaimer: Boys aren’t mine. Warning: My English is bad.
Summary: Based on Inoo's revelation of their one-hour-phone-call
this is so beautiful!! takanoo for valentine's day!! thank you. when fiction is better than reality ;A; this feels so real, I enjoyed very much. Inoo's jelousy and Takaki's full concern. oh God your relationship is kept safe, by us fans.
I don't care how long you take to update. Your stories are always welcomed. they warm up my takanoo feels.
yeah! they are so secretish of their private life thats why we need to elaborate more of their moments ;; and you right, they should trust us because we will never do something harm them even if we know they're real ♡
thanks carol, your comments always be my personal motivation
Oh Tachan, you love to tease us huh. You always make us worry at the beginning but will make the couple make out by the end. Come here you, cutie~ *hugs you*
i love to play with takanoo's heart loooool yeah, this l;egendary phone-call is too precious to be something angst, it should be their lovey-dovey signature right pls write abt them too keiyuki
Comments 20
it's so sweet(*'∀'人)♥*+
when fiction is better than reality ;A;
this feels so real, I enjoyed very much. Inoo's jelousy and Takaki's full concern. oh God your relationship is kept safe, by us fans.
I don't care how long you take to update. Your stories are always welcomed. they warm up my takanoo feels.
yeah! they are so secretish of their private life thats why we need to elaborate more of their moments ;;
and you right, they should trust us because we will never do something harm them even if we know they're real ♡
thanks carol, your comments always be my personal motivation
Weeks, months, or maybe even years later, I will never get over this canon. Just a huge leap to the Takaino ship. ughhhhhhhh.
Stubborn Inoo and thoughtful Takaki. They complement one another very well. This is just beautiful, Tachan...... T-T
OMG girl, we'll always sail in this ship, no matter how strong the storms fight us, we'll overcome that
yeah, thoughtful takaki is my weakness, i just cant unrelated him to inoo, they're meant to be
thanks for the choco gil ♡
yeah, this l;egendary phone-call is too precious to be something angst, it should be their lovey-dovey signature right
pls write abt them too keiyuki
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