Apr 17, 2004 23:28
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to copy and paste this in your journal, allowing your friends to ask you anything.
Jumping on the bandwagon via Eric-slut, nessie, and reverend elcamino
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Comments 8
1. If you could revive any 80s hair band and have them play at your own private BBQ, who would it be?
2. You are given the chance to kill one person, any person, and get away with it scot free. Who would it be and why?
3. If you were forced to have one body part (not a toe or finger, but the whole hand or foot) cut off without medication which would it be?
2. the first thought that popped into my head was Jesus....not that i want to kill Jesus, but it would change all of religion and probably society and our culture all together, the world would be an entirely different place....if i got away with it scot free. my next thought was Adolf Hitler...
3. foot, definately...i couldn't rockout with just one hand
2) What one song in history would you take credit for writing if you could.. (bonus if you say Planet Rock) and why?
3) On a female, hair nipples or hairy upper-lip?
2. What one factor, do you think, prevents you from accomplishing what you want to do the most?
3. Aside from music what is one thing you ABSOLUTELY could not live without?
2. time
3. hope, for a lot of different reasons...but if you want something else i would have to say laughter, or my penis
2.How can such opposite writers as Edgar Allen Poe and Walt Whitman come out of the same romantic age and be equally inspirational?
(a 4-6 page answer is preferred)
3.If you were sent to prison do you think you would give it or take it?
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