helloo everyone, just checking in since its been like a long time and all.
life's good, fun. love the friends that i got. some have become best that weren't. some aren't the best of anymore. make sense? yes andddddd some stuff is confusing the hell out of me. but it's alright. everythings.. good.
IM DONE WITH DRUG COURT TOMORROW. IM DONE WITH HIGHSCHOOL> im happy happyhpayppayahapayauapauasdkfj yep im happy. start college in JANUARY yayayayayayaya. umm and yes and i am happy. and this weekend will be party time.
this year is going to drag on for so long. i just want it overwith. after everyone graduates. everyone has taken almost everything that ive loved away from me. i want everything over. over. over. over. over. over. over. over. how could this happen to me...im screaming.
i dont know whether to be jealous of this person, or just let them do there thing, but if i am thinking the right thing, they would be a pretty shitty friend. i think they know who they are.