one time I had a big house party for my 19th birthday . the london police heard about it before it happened. they sent in undercover police. they then busted my party from the inside.
I keep skipping classes. if anyone wants to make a bet so I go to them, do it. for instance, if I pass a class then you owe me money, but if I fail I suck and owe you money. do it, it'll give me incentive to go to class
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so the band is recording a three song demo that will hopefully be done middle of next week, perhaps? I laid down the drum tracks on saturday, from 10:00am to like 8:00pm. It was tiring and frustrating. the guitar tracks got done yesterday along with vocals. so all thats left is bass. so far it sounds really good so I really hope jim (our bassist)
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so its valentines day and lissa made me pie. Her dad is plaing a show tonight. she is now trying to scam her sister into leaving the house... I wonder why?
so now her sister knows what we're up to. and she's not leaving. loud music... scarred sister. meh.
the lowdown - thursday night, dillinger escape plan ( the second coming )was absolutley ridiculous. "the end" puts on a nutty live show. I should start bringing money to shows to buy obscure band t-shirts
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