Merlin/Arthur Drabble Awards - Spring 2010 Winners

Jun 06, 2010 13:14

The results have been tallied, awards created, and now it's finally time to announce the winners of the first round of the Merlin/Arthur Drabble Awards. Thanks to all of our participants, to katerina_black and icedcandy for helping me verify votes, and also to lastwrite and samsamtastic for creating the award graphics!
Graphic Code
Winners are welcome to snag a graphic and display it in their profiles, on the story pages, etc. I recommend saving and uploading them to your own host. You can use the code below for your display:">Merlin/Arthur Drabble Awards - Winner Best Angst

When Winning Feels Like Losing by eosrose
( view large award graphic)
Best Character Death

Farewell, My Lover by eosrose
( view large award graphic)
Best Established Relationship

Inside Out by issahime
( view large award graphic)
Best Fluff

Cold Feet by eosrose
( view large award graphic)
Best Finding Out

Axis by hermette
( view large award graphic)
Best Kink

[Untitled] by kinkme_merlin
( view large award graphic)
Best Prompt Response

[Untitled] by cala_jane
( view large award graphic)
Best PWP

Over the Top by eosrose
( view large award graphic)
Best 100-Word Drabble

Loyalty by givemethebook
( view large award graphic)
Best Overall - First Place

Anchor by kat_lair
( view large award graphic)

Axis by hermette
( view large award graphic)

Merlin Emrys and the Triwizard Tournament by crazyboutremmy
( view large award graphic)
Best Overall - Second Place

Caught by givemethebook
( view large award graphic)
Best Overall - Third Place

It Wasn't A Kiss by allira_dream
( view large award graphic)
Thoughts for Next Round

The winning drabbles for this round will not be eligible for nominations in the next round, but I've stumbled over so many wonderful drabbles since nominations closed that I hardly believe that will be a problem. In the meantime I'm examining the experiences of this round and trying to gather ideas for improvement. Do you believe that the thematic approach works for drabbles? Do you have any ideas for how the awards could be restructured so as to invite more nominations? The next round is tentatively set to begin accepting nominations in October, so there is plenty of time to make your suggestions!

drabble awards

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